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"Sometimes you meet a person and you just click — youre comfortable with them, and you don't have to pretend to be anyone or anything..."


Los Olivos, California

Annalisa Green -- December 13th, 1991
Location: 5225 Figueroa Mountain Rd

Annalisa Green -- December 13th, 1991Location: 5225 Figueroa Mountain Rd

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My day just got 100% better.

I mean, who's wouldn't? I out of a billion people in the world has the opportunity to visit what's said to be one of the most magical places on Earth. And that place just so happens to belong to one of the greatest entertainers in music history.

I was all smiles the whole entire time that I was here. I've smiled so much that I forgot what it was like to be depressed. With Michael, it was possible.

My plan to surprise him was a job well done. He was genuinely surprised, but wondered how I'd gotten here. I explained to him that it was Bill who picked me up from my house and dropped me off, and it left him confused. He was under the impression that Bill was here the whole time.

After that whole ordeal, we talked over tea and quickly headed outdoors. Our place of interest this time was his nature preserve.

We sat in the grass until night fell upon us. And even then, we still didn't leave.

"Isn't this so relaxing?" Michael sighed happily. We laid beside each other on the grass.

I nodded in agreement. "Yes." It really was. I can feel my spirits lifting the longer I stayed out here.

"I'm really glad that you came, ya' know? I've been meaning to call you, but every time I turn around, there's more and more work to finish."

"It's okay," I replied with a small smile.

"How have you been?"

"A little better than before." It was honest. I still had those moments, but I feel an improvement.

"You're very pretty today, Ana," Michael cheesed. He was testing me.

As much as I wanted to shun him for complimenting me, I knew that I couldn't. It'd be too hard. So I accepted it with a smile. "Than — k you."

He was very much satisfied with my answer. "You're welcome," Michael grabbed ahold of my hand. "Did you believe me?"

"I did," I giggled, instantly thinking of Damien. "How's the work going, superstar?"

I laughed even more as I watched him playfully shudder in disgust. "I'm not a superstar, and its going good. A little stressful, but fine."

Gasping, I placed my hand over my heart. "Are you rejecting my compliments now?" Michael giggled.

A Place With No Name (revamped)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя