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Temple City, California

Annalisa Green -- June 19th, 1992
Location: 1341 Evergreen St

Annalisa Green -- June 19th, 1992Location: 1341 Evergreen St

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"Okay y'all" Semaij clapped her hands. "would you rather let someone dump a whole bucket of spiders on you, or go to jail for life?"

"What kind of spiders?"


Damien sucked his teeth, grabbing his glass of sweet tea.. "Shit, I don't fuck with them spiders, Semaij."

"So, jail for life?" She laughed. "Angel, what about you?"

"I'll go to jail if he's there," she slightly flirted, winking at Damien. "I don't like bugs either."

I laughed. "Okay, we got two idiots here. Best friend?" She looked at me.

"I'll let it happen. Why spend the rest of my life in a cell because I refuse to let harmless spiders crawl on me?"

"I agree," Antonio said, putting his hand up. We high fived. "They won't bite unless you give a reason to."

"I don't wanna hear it, Tony. If it has fangs or teeth, it bites," Angel held up her hand.

"You know what? I hope it bites you."

We all bursted in laughter at Angel's salty expression. Damien pulled a joint from behind his ear and lit it up, inhaling from it. Angel bit her lip, leaning more against him, making me raise my eyebrow. I guess she had a crush on him.

"Awe yeaaah, pass that dutch," Antonio reached out with a smirk. Semaij passed me the rest of the liquor that she'd snuck pass my aunt.

"No thanks. You know that I don't drink," I told her, pushing her hand away.

Semaij scoffed. "Come on, Plain Jane. Just one sip."


"This some good stuff. Where you get it from?" Antonio asked Damien. Angel was now and somehow, sitting in his lap. I raised my eyebrow again.

Since Michael was out of town, I spent more time with my friends and my family. It seems that we were growing closer - Aunt Jolene and I. I was already close to my Uncle.

I felt like I could tell her things that I'd normally be so scared to. My mind would always tell me that she was going to judge me for things that happened, that I had no control of. But I was proven wrong, so wrong.

Aunt Jolene and I were like besties. I loved her with every ounce of me, and I just felt relieved that I could tell her things.

I've been spending more time with Damien as well. We'd gotten pass that stage and continued our friendship on great terms. Along with Angel.

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