Chapter 6: Victoria's Growth

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Jade's POV

"J-Jadey?" I hear from a hoarse voice from the living room, stopping me in my tracks.

"Victoria?" I ask, staring at the half-awake Victoria, surprised she spoke, and knew my name, albeit my nickname from Cat.

I stare at her, confused about why she's just now talking and how she picked up my name so fast if she's never picked up anything she's heard since I brought her here, and kinda mad at Cat for calling me that and that being what Victoria picked up.

She doesn't say anything else, a look of slight discomfort on her face from speaking, lack of use on her vocal chords I guess. To soothe the hoarseness of her voice, I grab her some water and help her drink it, since she's not used to cups yet.

After she drinks the full glass of water, she starts to squirm like a dog that needs to go to the bathroom, so I guide her to my room and she quickly heads into my bathroom, not bothering to close the door, and strip her lower half completely.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to her not caring if she's naked or not." I say, closing the door to my bathroom a bit so I can't hear or see what she's doing. A couple of minutes later, after I hear her walk out, thankfully after she washes her hands after my trying to teach her since practically day one, her hands still wet since she doesn't tend to dry her hands. "I need to teach you to dry your hands after you wash them." I say when she gets to me, grabbing a small towel to dry her hands.

She looks like she wants to say something, but stops after stuttering a few tries and nothing coming out. Lying down on my bed, and my lap like a lap dog, Victoria coils up and lays her head on my lap, quickly falling asleep. "Well, this isn't awkward or anything." I mumble sarcastically.

-A Month Later-

Over the last three weeks or so, Victoria has started to grow more human, though the instincts she's had for years still showing through at times.

Today is going to be interesting, in a way I guess, because Beck is coming over later around lunch time to work on an script writing assignment for school. It's a little after nine in the morning on Saturday, the last day we have to work on the assignment since it's due Monday, so I have about three hours or so before Beck gets here to finish the assignment, and knowing Beck, attempting to get laid since it's been months since we had sex because of Victoria being here and me not wanting to leave her alone.

Since she first spoke that day after Cat left, I've been spending more time than usual getting her to talk, and surprisingly, it hasn't been as bad as I though it'd be. She hasn't said a lot, but she is able to say my name, Jade, not Jadey thankfully, and her own. She can't speak for too long because of the lack of using it for years, so my attempts to teach her last for only about and hour a day, with very little words from her at the moment.

With teaching her to speak, I've also been teaching her to shower on her own, a task I thought she had but seemed to have gotten out of over the last two weeks or so. The progress is pretty good, she can use body wash herself, but tends to get the shampoo and conditioner in her eyes since she doesn't close them.

She can still use the bathroom on her own, thankfully, and she dries her hands now after she washes her hands. Though she doesn't wear underwear after, apparently she doesn't like them.

Thankfully my dad is rarely home and doesn't pay attention to how much money he keeps in the bank throughout the week, because I started buying her clothes so she doesn't have to wear mine, which are usually bigger than her size because my tits are bigger, same with my hips.

And add that I have to buy meat, a lot of it still, because that's about ninety percent of what she eats anymore. Meat and water is basically her diet, with fruits and vegetables on occasion if she feels like it.

Without realizing it, Beck sends me a text asking me to open the door for him so we can finish our assignment.

"I know you'll hate this, but I need you to stay here so you don't attack my boyfriend or anything." I tell Victoria as I stand up and go to leave, quickly closing the door so she can't follow.

As I head to the front door, I pause a bit when I hear her growl. I've never heard her growl like that or anything, so I was caught off guard, but I quickly push past it and head to open the door for Beck.

"Hey babe." Beck says when I open the door, leaning over to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Ready to finish our assignment?" He asks, walking past me without waiting for me to let him in.

"What all do we have to do still?" I ask him as I close the door and follow him. "Let's work here, the air conditioner in my room isn't working right, so it's too hot down there." I say, heading for the couch when he turns to head for my room.

"I don't mind some extra heat." Beck says with a suggestive wink. Told ya he'd try to get laid.

"Too bad. I've yet to sweat, and I'm not risking it now." I point out, glad that it's true. I've never sweated a drop in my life, and I don't plan on starting just because he wants to get laid.

"You feeling okay babe?" He asks as he follows me to the couch. "You usually don't mind working in your room?" He asks as he sits down and takes his notebook out of his bag as I turn on my laptop to finish the assignment.

"Excuse me for not wanting to have sex right now." I snarl out, glaring at him as my laptop boots up.

"I wasn't trying to have sex with you." He says hesitantly, opening his notebook to the page with the plot points written on it.

"Then why did you say you 'don't mind some extra heat' earlier? I know you, Beckett, you wanted me to strip and have sex with you." I say, typing in my password.

"It's been months, Jade." He says with a sigh. "Can you blame me for trying to 'release pressure'." He says as I open up the text file with out script on it.

"Yeah, I can. Try masturbating. I know you know how because I refuse to let you cum in me so you pull out and cum on my tits." I say, scrolling to the bottom of the page. "Now, what all do we need to do to finish the assignment? I got stuff to do today." I say, going over what we worked on a while ago to make sure there were no errors I missed.

"Just the ending." Beck groans out, sitting beside me with a few inches between us, something I find I don't mind.

We spend the next hour working it out, finishing the ending quickly, but making sure there were no spelling or grammar errors took longer because Beck kept trying to correct me without knowing what he was talking about.

"So, what all do you have to do?" Beck asks as I save the document and transfer it to a flash drive Beck brought with him.

"Why do you care?" I ask, closing my laptop after ejecting the flash drive.

"What? I can't help my girlfriend?" Beck asks, putting his notebook and flash drive away.

"Not when you want to get laid and refuse to accept 'no'." I say, standing up. Apparently, I didn't lock my bedroom door, because I see Victoria slowly stalking her way towards Beck, a low growl escaping her lips at the sight of him. "Oh, this won't end well." I say quietly as Beck stares at me.

"What are you..." Beck starts to ask, stopping when he hears Victoria growling. I watch as he slowly turns around, a sneer on his face. "When'd you get a dog?" He asks before he sees her. "What the hell?" He asks when he finally sees Victoria.

"Stay here. I'll be back." I say, walking past Beck and grabbing Victoria's shirt collar to take her back to my room.

"No, tell me who she is and where she was hiding." Beck says, grabbing my arm and turning me around. And based on the harsh growl I hear from Victoria, she didn't like that at all. "What the fu..." He goes to say, stopping when Victoria jumps and tackles him, snarling at him as he tries, and surprisingly fails, to push her off.

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