Chapter 3: The next morning

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Jade's POV

After a struggle, and by struggle I mean mini war to get the ham out of her hands and teeth, I grab the package of ham out of her hands and open it for her, handing her a couple slices to calm her down as I grab the bologna, hard salami, cheese, and condiments to make a sandwich, the bread already on the counter.

"Hungry thing, aren't you?" I ask her when she grabs the ham again, trying to tear into the packaging for me. "Ah, stay." I say, speaking to her like she was the dog I used to have when I was younger. "Here." I say, handing her some more ham and some bologna, staring at her as she tears into the meat. "Damn." I say, making my sandwich as I watch her, making sure she doesn't try to steal the meat again.

Five minutes later, I finally finished my sandwich, the lunch meat supply dwindled down to almost nothing since she made numerous attempts to steal the meat.

"So, you full yet?" I ask her, keeping her from grabbing my sandwich. "That's a no." I say as she growls.

Sitting on one of the chairs in the dining room, I start to eat as something odd happens, something only my old dog used to do. The girl, Victoria I assume from the bracelt on her wrist, coiled up around my feet like a dog does for it's owner.

Five minutes later, after drinking a glass of water and handing some to her, having to put it in a bowl since she can't drink out of a glass or bottle, we're on our way back to my room where she jumps onto my bed and coils up to sleep at the foot of my bed.

"Oddest pet ever." I say, sitting down in my usual spot, middle of the bed, and put the thin blanket over me, the air conditioner keeping it a comforting cool in my room. "Night Victoria." I say, a habit I had from my dog, a black lab I named Tawni, from when she slept with me every night before she passed away.

I don't recall falling asleep, just waking up to a whining sound. I look over at my clock, seeing that only a few hours have passed since we got to my room to sleep, and look to where the whining's coming from.

"Don't do that." I say, jumping when I notice Victoria sitting beside me, her face a few inches from mine. "What, do you have to pee or something?" I ask, staring at her as she whines. "Fuck me." I say, rolling out of bed and guiding her to my bathroom.

Quickly, she jumps into the shower and starts tugging the pajama shorts and underwear off. "She's peeing in my shower." I say, turning around so I don't look after she pulls the shorts and underwear down to her mid thigh before kneeling over. "Please tell me you don't lick yourself clean." I say, turning around a bit later when I feel her licking my fingers like a puppy does. "At least you can pull them back up yourself, I guess." I note when I see the underwear and shorts back covering her now shaven crotch and ass.

After turning the shower on to wash away her business in my shower, and promising myself to potty train her and bleach the shower for safety, I lead her back to my room to sleep again. This time, instead of sleeping at the foot of the bed, she falls asleep beside my, laying her head on my chest as she falls asleep, a blush growing on my cheeks when her right hand starts to paw, no pun intended, at my chest.

"This isn't awkward or anything." I say to myself, turning off my light and falling asleep, groaning a bit when her hand stays on my tit when she's done fondling me.

The next morning, I wake up to my alarm, Victoria still using my left tit as a pillow and my right one as a ball to bat around, the tanned girl awake and seemingly fascinated by my tit.

"Okay, as much as I love having my tits played with," I start, gently moving her off my tits. "I need to get ready for school." I finish, standing up and heading towards my bathroom to brush my teeth and change the blue stripe in my hair to a purple one, a color I don't use to often.

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