Chapter 2: The Start of a Challenge

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Jade's POV

I continue staring at the girl in front of my car, being cautious because of the growls she keeps sending me when I move in any way, even to take a step back. I watch her, noting how she keeps her attention on me and everything around her by quickly looking around, when her attention isn't on me.

"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you." I say quietly, slowly trying to inch my way towards her. When my foot touches the ground, she lets out a deep growl, pushing herself up with her left hand by pushing it against the hood of my car, keeping a slow pace as she keeps her eyes on me. "Okay, okay. No need to attack or anything." I say, hoping she doesn't try to attack me, or that she can't smell fear, like I heard some animals are able to do.

As I make another move to step towards her, she stands up a bit more, but drops when too much weight is put on her apparently injured leg, the leg that I must have hit with my car. I go to help her, but she lets out a warning growl any time I try. When she tries to push herself up using my car again, she drops down to all fours, keeping her weight off her injured left leg.

"I don't know why I'm doing this." I say, slowly advancing towards her, making sure to keep my distance and keep my hands up, hoping she notices I mean to harm to her. I slowly reach my hands out to her, palm up, the way you usually do when you want to show a stray that you mean no harm to them.

She seems to keep her attention on me, slowly leaning forward and sniffing my wrist like a dog usually does when trying to get used to you. "Come on. Let's take you somewhere safer." I say, helping her up a bit and leading her to the passenger side of my car. After getting her in and closing the door, I make my way around the front, noting the slight ding in the front bumper. "Damn, girl's strong to take that." I say to myself as I open the door and climb it, closing the door as I put my seatbelt on, putting the car in drive and heading home.

As I drive, I look at my passenger, noting how she quickly looks around my car, and me, while keeping herself ready to defend herself if need be. She seems to be anxious, which I guess is understandable considering how I guess she grew up and all.

Twenty minutes later, I pull into the driveway at my house. After shutting off my car and getting out, I walk to the other side and open the door for the strange girl, who jumps out, wary to put too much pressure on her injured leg, and keeps a distance of about two feet from me. After shutting the passenger door, I push the button to lock the doors and walk up to the front door, the girl keeping her pace behind me, apparently trusting me enough or something to follow me.

"Well, that's good at least." I say, holding the door open for her to walk, more like stalk I guess, her way into the large house my parents bought when I was a child after we moved here from New Jersey, when my parents joined a large law firm based here in L.A. "Guess I should get your leg checked?" I ask, walking backwards a bit to watch as she follows me down to my room, which is set in the basement as it's own apartment. I have a door that leads straight to it, but considering how this girl is, maybe taking the long way around to a door with fake blood dripping down it might not have been the safest idea for me.

After leading her to my en suite bathroom, I make an attempt to start to take off her poorly together pants, which by the looks of them, she must have taken or had when she was a few years younger, with how torn they are, I figure they must have ripped or she ripped them as she grew to make them fit or something, a vine used as a belt since the waist was too torn to fit without one. When I reach to untie the vine, she jumps back and lets our another warning growl, stumbling when her injured legs bumps into my bed.

"I'm not trying to hurt you. I just think I need to take your pants off, if you even know what those are, to check your knee." I tell her in a calming tone. She seems to trust my words, surprisingly, because she slowly advances towards me, undoing the vine herself. When the vine is undone, her pants drop completely, showing that she's not wearing underwear, and her bush needs a serious shaving. "Oh, I have my work cut out for me." I say, watching as she slowly makes her way towards me, holding her injured leg out to me. "This might hurt." I warn her, keeping my eyes on on her knee and calf, not letting my attention stray to between her legs.

I gently touch the knee, looking into her eyes when she jerks backwards. "Sorry." I tell her, gently touch random parts of her leg to make sure where it seems to be injured. Other than a couple of spots, there seems to be nothing wrong, except for when she puts pressure on her leg.

"Let's go." I say, gently helping her up and walking her into the bathroom. "First things first, girl. You need to bathe." I tell her when I see how dirty she is in the light. I'm able to take her shirt off, noting again that she has no under garments on, her B cup breasts covered in dirt.

I guide her to my shower, surprised at how easy it his now, and start the shower. After getting it to the right temperature, I guide her in, staring at her when she makes no move to bathe herself, noting a small bracelet on her left wrist I hadn't noticed before, the beads dark from the dirt. "Son of a..." I say when I realize that I'm going to have to bathe her. "You owe me." I whisper as I start to strip, not wanting my clothes to get wet.

When everything is off, I climb in with her and grab a wash rag and let it get wet, drizzling body wash on it to start washing her. As I do, I notice her eyes focused on my larger chest. "Not even Beck shows them this much attention." I say with a smirk as I start to wash her, noting that her skin is a natural tan, her dark brown nipples getting hard as I wash her body, having to use more attention than usual to wash her chest and back because of all the dirt.

The shower takes almost a half hour to wash her completely. After the shower, I lead her to the toilet, the lid down, and grab an electric hair trimmer, shaving gel, and a disposable razor to get rid of that fuzzy bush between her legs. "I'm sorry, but I have to get rid of all that hair." I tell her, pushing her legs apart, coughing when her lower lips start to spread a bit. "Oh, this isn't awkward at all." I say to myself, starting the electric hair trimmer.

After fifteen minutes, it wasn't easy to trim her hair because she would jerk around as I did, letting out slight moans because of the vibrations. What? Sometimes I let my hair grow in just to feel the vibrations when Beck and I are in an argument. It's nice sometimes.

"Now, let's get you dressed. It's late, and I need to gram something to eat and some sleep." I tell her, guiding her back into my room. "I don't have any bras that'll fit your smaller chest, but everything else I have should fit just fine." I tell her, knowing she might not understand me. I grab a pair of bikini cut underwear and set them aside, before grabbing a pair of sleep shorts and a spaghetti strap shirt for her, tossing them onto my bed beside her. "Oh, you don't know how to get dressed, huh?" I ask her when she simply stares at the clothes, making no move to get dressed. "How were you dressed if you don't know what you're supposed to do?" I ask, grabbing the underwear and sliding them up her legs, pushing her to stand up to put them on fully.

Ten minutes later, she's dressed and we're upstairs in the kitchen. Opening the fridge and grabbing a some lunch meat was a potential bad idea because she grabs the sliced ham and tries to eat the packaging with the meat.

"This is gonna suck, isn't it?" I ask myself, sighing before trying to calm down the growling girl to feed her.

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