Chapter 17: After the Skies Clear

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Jade POV

Dad had to leave soon after, but only after I assured him that Tori and I would be fine. Deciding to skip school, I head back down to my room, Tori beside me, and change into a pair of black pajama shorts and a black spaghetti strap shirt.

Following suit, Tori puts on a pair of grey pajama shorts and a matching shirt like mine, which surprised, yet I guess shouldn't, that she put clothes on. But considering Beck coming in, threatening to rape and kill us? I guess it's not much of a surprise that she's not nude right now.

"Thank you for helping with Beck." I say after watching my t.v., some random morning talk show playing for background noise.

"You don't need to thank me. I wasn't going to let him touch you. Especially not how he wanted." Tori says, laying her head on my shoulder as she uses me as a body pillow.

"I know. But I still feel like I need to." I say, pulling her close se we're basically cuddling. "I know you didn't have to help me. You weren't forced." I explain, or try to at least. "And I'm thankful that you risked getting hurt so I wouldn't."

"Can I ask you a question?" Tori asks as a car commercial plays on the screen.

"Of course." I say, closing my eyes, trying to forget everything that's happened from me unlocking the door to the cops and my father leaving.

"Do you like me as more than a friend?" Tori asks, her head shifting. When I open my eyes, my icy greens meeting her warm brown.

"Yeah, I do." I admit, pulling her a bit closer. "More than I thought I would, to be honest."

"What do you mean?" She asks, shifting until she's straddling me, the t.v. forgotten.

"Remember that movie I showed you last week, 'Breaking The Girls'?" I ask, refering to the lesbian movie I showed her on my laptop about seven or eight days ago.

"Yes?" She says, staring at me.

"I like you like the one girl liked the other." I tell her, even though we were only able to get through less than half because Cat decided to call and bug me. "Minus the stalkerish tendencies." I add when I remember what the description of the movie said, or at least what I think it said.

"What are we?" She asks, leaning down slightly. "Are we friends? More than friends? What? I'm still getting used to being human, not wolf." She says in an attempt, a logical one in my opinion, to explain her confusion and the questions.

"For now, friends. Do you want to be more?" I ask, my hands resting on her hips without me realizing.

"What do more than friends do? How different is it from what we already do?" She asks, her hands resting on my shoulders.

"Honestly?" I say with a small laugh, confusing her. "We already act like we're a couple. With you cuddling up to me, us showering together, sleeping together, being near each other when we're around. That's all stuff I didn't even do with Beck because he always thought it would lead to sex. I understand with you, it's the instincts and everything you've developed." I say, my hands slowly sliding up until they're resting almost on her chest. "Hell, you dry humped me and I had a sex dream. I never let Beck do that and I never had a sex dream about him, so that gives you a definite edge over him. That and you won't try to force yourself on me, so no problems, really." I say, my hands slowly sliding to cup her chest. "Sorry." I say, clearing my throat, when I realize what I was doing.

"For what?" She asks, her hands sliding down until they're pushing against my larger chest, squeezing when she feels my nipples harden.

"Because we're not technically girlfriends, and here I am feeling you up like we've been dating for years." I say, trying to sit up more, but can't because of her on my lap.

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