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Gerard's POV

Frank is late for practice. I swear to God I'd kill the boy if he wasn't my boyfriend.

Yes, I know, you've heard all the rules about not dating people in your band. Well, guess what kid. Rules are meant to be broken.

I'm sitting with my brother, and the band's bass player, Mikey, when Frank crashes into the room.

"Are you okay Frank? You look a little flushed." Ray kindly asks.

"No. I'm no okay." Frank slams a magazine on the table.

"Look at this shit!" Frank frustratingly yells.


There is a large blown up image of Frank and I kissing. They're right, that is us making out in the alley way.

"I swear to God I fucking hate the paparazzi!" Frank angrly shouts as he rips up the magazine.

Ray's silent which means two things. He's either thinking about a plan, or he's asleep.

Ray stands up, "I got it." Ray grabs a Expo marker and walks to our whiteboard.

Ray writes a big number one.

"You can either deny everything and say you're just friends which is what you've been doing for the past four years." Ray quickly writes what he says on the whiteboard. When he finishes he writes a number two.

"Or, you can just come out and admit to everything. It's obvious our fans will be very supportive. The papparazzi might get out of hand for a moment, but they'll probably forget about all of this when the next big scandal happens." Ray writes down his words.

"Both options will have positives and negatives. But, we'll support you no matter what." Ray smiles as he throws the Expo marker on the floor and sits back down in his chair.

Frank quickly paces through the room.

"Frank you need to sit down. We'll figure this all out." I attempt to reassure the short boy.

Frank takes a deep breath and sits criss cross on the floor. "You're right Gee. It will be fine." Frank reassures himself.

"Now, we really need to talk about the new album. We need to put one out as soon as possible. The people want this." Ray started.


New book!

I'm thinking about making this more like a short story. But, I don't know!

And remember, don't be a silent reader! Comment, ineract, I love seeing what everyone has to say!


Take A Picture- FerardDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora