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Gerard's POV

The band decided to go out for a nice dinner. We'll all dress up super nice and eat food that should be way cheaper than it is. It's going to be lovely.

Frank quickly ties his black tie, the quick work of his fingers made the tie a tad bit sloppy. Sloppy never bothered Frank.

I smooth out my black suit jacket and straighten my red tie.

"Well, don't we look fancy?" Frank says with an excited voice.

Frank has a secret love for dressing up nice and going to get fancy food. Frank explained to me many years ago that when he was a young his mother could rarely afford to put food on the table. So, when the band got popular and we all started to get actual paychecks, Frank loved going to get fancy food. One of the first things he bought with his paycheck was a brand new suit.

"You look gorgeous Frankie." I lightly kiss the top of Frank's head.

"We better get going. Ray and Mikey are probably waiting for us." Frank says with a grin.


We park three blocks away from the resturant. When we get out of the car and start walking our first instinct is to hold each other's hand. Normally, we would walk a couple steps and quickly let go of each other. But, this time we didn't let go.

We didn't care who saw us. We didn't care if the paparazzi got a photo off us in this moment. We didn't care if a fan walked up to us and asked why we were holding hands. Why didn't care if an idiot decided to tell slurs at us.

We just wanted to be us. Unapologetically us.

As we got closer to the resturant we started noticed a photographer at the entrance. This restaurant was known to serve to muscicans. All hours of the day there's always at least one photographer sitting in front of the entrance.

I stop walking and tug Frank back to me.

"If you want to walk in separately I totally understand." I whipser to my boyfriend.

"Fuck them. Come with me Gee." Frank tugged me with his hand and walk, no not walked, strutted, to the enterance.

The photographer's eyes went wide and he immediatly started taking pictures of us. I could practically see the excitment in the photographer's eyes.

I titghtly squeeze Frank's hand as we walked in the dimly lit restaurant.

I see Ray and Mikey wave us over.



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