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Frank's POV

Bella Alexander. She's an interviewer for Kerrang Magazines. She wanted to talk to me, and only me. I haven't done a one on one interview for so long, I forgot the last time I even did a one on one interview.

"Do you think she's going to ask anything about us?" I nervously ask Gerard.

"Probably. But, you know how to stuck up for yourself. Tell the truth. You'll do great baby." Gerard reassured me.

I decide to wear my homophobia is gay shirt just as a big fuck you to anyone who disagrees with my sexuality.


Third Person POV

"We're rolling in three, two, one." The camera man points at Bella to start.

"Hello! Today we're here with Frank Iero, rythem guitarist from the band we all love, My Chemical Romance." Frank quickly waves at the camera and smiles.

"So, a little birdie told me that an album will be coming out soon." Bella says with a polite smile.

"Yeah, we're very excited about it. I think it'll definitely be a crowd pleaser. Or, a crowd displeaser. We're okay with either option." Frank says with a snarky grin.

"Sounds wonderful! Now, of course we have to talk about the picture that has been circulating. Gerard and you? Is this a thing?" Bella says like she's a teenage girl talking to her friends in highschool.

Frank chuckles and scratches the back of his neck. "Well, what do you think?" Frank chuckles and crosses his legs.

"What do I think?" Bella questions.

"Yeah. Go ahead." Frank smiles.

"I don't want to question things that aren't confirmed." Bella kindly says.

Frank smiles, "That's very kind. I'll tell you this. Gerard and I aren't nothing. Gerard is so brilliant, I've never met anyone as smart as him. He's a genius. He's my soulmate. There isn't a single persom in the world equivalent to Gerard, and I knew that since the moment I met him and I will continue to think that until the day I die." Frank ranted.

"Call it a bro-mance, call it love. I don't care. What I have with Gerard is more than just a simple label like boyfriend. He is my life. He knows things about me that no one else knows and vice versa. It's not just love, it's trust, it's admiration, it's physical, it's mental, it's spiritual. Every good feeling you could ever feel is what I feel about Gerard daily. It's life changing just being in the presence of Gerard. It's almost indescribable." Frank ends his rant with a smile.

Bella was speechless, "That... That was lovely Frank. I'm not even sure what to say." Bella clears her throat.

"Well, thank you Kerrang listeners for joining. See you soon." Bella and Frank wave at the camera.

The camera shuts off and the room is silent.

"Good job Frank. You too Bella." The camera man whispered.



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