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Third Person POV

Frank and Ray sat in the recording studio, they were having one of their many one on one sessions.

This was Frank's chance to attack... Not literally.

Frank's and Ray's water bottles sat on a tiny table. Frank knew which one was his own. But, he decided to drink out of Ray's.

"Oh shit, is this your water bottle?" Frank asks.

"Uh, yeah." Ray says.

"I just drank out of it. Here you go." Frank held out the water bottle. An apology was on the tip of his tongue, but he swallowed it down.

Ray raised an eyebrow and took the water bottle out of Frank's hand, "Okay. Let's work on house of wolves, okay?" Ray offers.


Frank took every opportunity to not say sorry. Small bumps into Ray, messing up the chords for the new song they're writing, spilling water, knocking shit over.

As the two boys were packing their belongings Ray turns to Frank.

"I know what you're doing Frank."

"What do you mean?" Frank nervously asks.

"I know you're trying to get me mad to see what it's like. Trust me, I'm not that easy to piss off." Ray states.

Frank can't take that as an answer. He needs to figure something out.

It hits him.

Gerard might have known Ray for the longest, but there's someone else that knows Ray more than anyone else.


Frank quickly packs up the rest of his belongings and says a quick goodbye to Ray.


Frank quickly knocks on Mikey's front door.

"Hey Frank." Mikey says without even looking at the short boy.

"How did you know it was me?" Frank curiously asks.

"The way you knock. Gerard knocks with hesitation, like he isn't sure if he's supposed to knock or not. Ray rarely knocks, he doesn't have to, he pratically lives here. You always knock with some sort of urgency, like if someone doesn't answer right away you'll have a heart attack." Mikey says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Frank just sighed and walked into Mikey's house.

"What makes Ray angry?" Frank gets to the point.

"Poorly made video game graphics and people saying he's wrong." Mikey quickly answers.

Frank smiles and suprisingly hugs the lanky boy.

"Thank you! I'll owe you one." Frank says with a grin.

Mikey woukd have questioned the odd behaviour if it was anyone else. But, it was Frank talking, Mikey decided to ignore th strange conversation and continue on with his day.

Frank's POV

I quickly knock on Rays front door, maybe Mikey is right. I do knock like I need someone to answer right away.

Ray opens the door, "Hey shorty."

"You're wrong." I bluntly say.

"About what?" Ray curiously asks.

"I'm not trying to make you mad. I'm just existing. That's why you're wrong." I cross my arms.

"You talked to Mikey didn't you?" Ray correctly guesses.

"No. You're wrong." It feels weird lying like this. But, it'll be worth it to see an angry Toro.

"Want to sit inside?" Ray politly offers.

"Gladly." I confidently walk through the door and plop onto Ray's brown couch.

"So... Want to explain why you're doing this?" Ray asks.

"Nope. I'm not doing anything, because you're wrong." I cross my arms and melt further into the couch.

Ray huffs and stares at me with an eyebrow raised.

"You want some coffee? I know how much you like coffee-" Ray offers.

"No. I hate coffee, you're wrong." That sad part is, I would love a cup of coffee.

Ray chuckles and crosses his legs.

"Will you like some tea? You hate tea, but maybe you've changed." Ray says with an evil smirk.

"You're wrong. I love tea. I love drinking some hot water with herbs in it. It's my favorite." I lie through my teeth.

Ray stands up and pours water into the kettle.

"You've had a chnage of heart, I see." Ray sarcastically says.

"Nope. You're wrong, I've always loved tea." I lie.


Ray enters the living room with a piping hot cup of tea.

I fucking hate tea. It's hot water with some weird ass herbs in it. Flavored water.

I sigh and take the cup out of Ray's hands.

"I love tea." I whisper before chugging the whole cup.

"Frank... I just took that off the stove, it was just boiling hot-" I don't feel the pain until the tea is already down my throat.

"No, you're wrong. It wasn't hot." I tightly close my eyes to try to get through the burning pain.

At least I finished the shitty hot water drink.

"Frank. Just let it go, it's okay that you haven't seen me be mad." Ray says in a condescending voice.

"No! You're wrong Ray. It's not okay. It's not fair that everyone else has seen you be mad except for me!" I shout. Maybe if I get mad, he'll get mad too.

"Alright then, if you want me to be mad, I'll get mad." Ray's smile immidatly goes away.

"What you're doing is fucking stupid Frank. You have a boyfriend at home. You have fans begging for answers about what's going on between you and Gerard. You have songs to fucking write! Instead, you are sitting here with me trying to make me fucking angry? It's fucking childish Frank. You're a grown ass man. Geet the fuck up. The the hell out of my house. Take care of Gee, and talk to your fans. Up." Ray's tone of voice made me immidatly stand up.

"Out." Ray used the same tone of voice he used while he scared off the paparazzi. Hell, it worked.

I wordlessly left the house.



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