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Frank's POV

Every step I took the more I wanted to turn around and run home.

Brian scheduled a live interview for me. I didn't plan anything to say. This is going to be a disaster.

The second I stepped foot into the bland building, everyone's eyes were on me, and not in the good way.

By now, everyone has heard the news. Everyone knows what I did.

I gulp and walk to a back room where the interview will be taking place.

"Frank Iero. Glad you can make it. We'll be live in five minutes. Just take a seat on the couch." I did as I was instructed.

The interviewer was already sitting.

She was eyeing me with a judgmental glare.

This interview is going to be shit. I can feel it.


"Three, two, one, we're live." The cameraman says.

"Hello! Today we're here with Frank Iero from My Chemical Romance. We have some very big topics to talk about today." She starts.

I nervously shuffle in my seat and fidget with my hands.

"Let's start with the elephant in the room. What happened when you hit that photographer?" She asks.

I sigh, "I- uh... Well, to explain this as simple as I can. He was taking pictures of Gerard and me from outside our window. I don't know what, uh, took over. But, I just climbed out our window and punched him... I regret what I did and I do want to formally apologize, I think we both made mistakes. I just hope he realises the shitty thing he did." I gulp when I finish talking.

Can people get mad at me for what I just said?

"Can you explain to me what happened before you climbed out your window?" She asks.

"Yeah, uh, totally. I, uh, I was sitting with Gee," I smile just thinking about my boyfriend, "We were just having a conversation and I looked out our window. I saw a big camera and some guy. I immediatly got pissed off, and I, uh, I understand that I should have thought before I acted." I explain.

"Is there anything else you'll like to say?" She politly asks. Thankfully, her glare has softened through the interview which makes me think I did okay.

"Yeah. I just want to say I'm, uh, I'm so sorry for what I did. I-I hope people understand where I'm coming from. I do want to, uh, say that people can forgive me, but that doesn't mean what I did was o-okay. I did a really shitty thing. I'm sorry to everyone." I apologise.

"Alright. Thank you for coming Frank. We'll see you all next time." We both wave at the camera.

I was suprised to see the interviewer extend her hand after the cameras were off.

I'm assuming she wants a hand shake.

I nervously grip her hand and shake it.

"Thank you for coming in Frank." She mutters.

"Yeah... Uh, totally." I quickly let go and stick my hands in my pocket.



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