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Frank's POV

"Frank. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Our manager sternly asks.

"What do you mean what's wrong with me? There's nothing wrong with me." I sit on the couch and kick my feet up on the coffee table.

"You can't just punch people! Do you have any idea what this can do to you? The record label? Your band? Did you think at fucking all?" Our manager asks.

I didn't. I didn't think for a single second.

"Does it matter if I was thinking? The dick of a photograoher tried to take of pictures of Gerard and me through our window! Does anyone have any idea how fucked up that is?" I shout.

"What he did wasn't right. But, your reaction was just as bad." Our manager calmly says.

Our maneger, Brian, has learned how to stay calm during arguements. And trust me, there are lots of arguements.

The band is full of fiery people. It might not seem like that from the outside.

Mikey can have a snarky mouth. Ray is a smartass. Gerard is... Well Gerard. And I get angry way too easily. It's a group of hotheads, arguements are bound to happen.

Gerard and I learned how to not argue. We've been with each other so much and for so long that there's nothing to argue about anymore. We've argued about it all.

Dishes, laundry, music, lyrics, guitar patterns, guitar solos, wet socks, sex positions, haircuts, hair dye, suits, jackets, closet space, blankets, dogs or cats, pancakes or waffles, towels, tour dates, venues, computer brands, we've done it all. We've even argued about tape brands, who the fuck argues avout tape?

I argue with Mikey at least once a week. We're really good at forgetting about arguements though. It often starts with a snarky comment Mikey mutters, I get all defensive, and it blooms into a large arguement that was blown out of poportion. It starts with Mikey muttering to himself that he doesn't like a specific chord I'm playing and ends with me calling Mikey's mom a dick pig... It gets intense.

Ray doesn't argue. But, he is a smartass, which often leads to angry mutters and huffing. No one has the guts to get angry at Ray. Ray rarely gets mad. Something has to really tick him off though.

The Way brothers argue in a siblings way. Argue about shit that doesn't matter. Ray and I learn how to block it out.

Brian deals with a lot of our shit. So, when I get heated, or Mikey, Ray, and Gerard get angry. Brian handles it like an adult. He'll sometimes raise his voice, maybe some exaggerated hand gestures. But, in the end, he always has our feelings in mind. He doesn't want to hurt us. He knows that if he hurts us and make us hate him, we could fire him.

"You'll have to make a public apology Frank. Some shitty things you've done could be swept under the rug. But this, this is a different story. I'll set up a interview tomorrow. I'll try to get a prerecorded one, but you might have to be live. So don't fuck this up. See you tomorrow Iero." Brian hangs up before I can say a single word.

"Fuck." I mutter.

I can hear Gerard shuffle behind the couch I was sitting on and rub his hands on my shoulders.

"Feeling tense?" Gerard whispers.

"Always." I bluntly say.

I don't get what Gerard is hinting at until I feel his soft hand run across my neck and play with my slightly curly hair.

"Oh?" I raise my eyebrow and look up at Gerard.

Gerard winks and walks to our bedroom.

I quickly follow behind.



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