A/N [Explaining]

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Okay. I bet some of you guys have wonder where have I been.

I have been having some school exams. Also bullies, but they got out of the school, so that's good.

Also, my sister, Kiriko, has now gone out of town for a few months because of her job.

It doesn't help because Kiriko is my teacher for grammer, so me right here, being a really bad storywriter right now XD

Now, I am gonna continue this story, don't worry!

I also got a bit of a problem with my doll eye.

I'm trying to fix it, but for now, it's really hard to explain what kind of problems I'm in right now.

Because of this doll eye, it's like I'm half blind, even though I'm blind on my other eye.

The doll eye makes it really hard to read what I put down.

It's like if you have dyslexia (Hopefully that's how it's spelled XD).

And even though it seems I'm calm, I'm actually really sad inside a bit.

There was a friend of mine that died in a very bad car crash, and I didn't know if I wanted to share.

No, it's not one of the writers that works with me on these stories.

I did regret sharing this online, but I am doing it right now XD

Really, I thought you guys would understand why I've been gone for a bit long.

At the same time, I thought you wouldn't understand, but yeah.

Neither way is fine.

But yeah. That's really all I gotta say. Again, I hope you understand what's going on.

See ya! ^.^

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