Chapter 28 [1/3]

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~Double's POV~

I went to the backyard to test out the powers.

I can expect some people to be not surprised.

I mean, who haven't seen Dreadlox and Ghostlox around?

I press on the bracelet and that blue suit appears along with my bunny ears.

Then, a fire comes up on my hand.

In shock, I shake my hand.

.. But surprisingly, it didn't hurt.

I stop shaking, looking closely at the blue fire.

It was actually.. Cold?

I throw it at one of the old roses and it turns into an ice rose.

The ice around it breaks and a blue rose shines.

I grab it and it was beautiful.

"What else do I have?" I raise my hand again and some green flower appears.

I look around to test it on.

I grab a bunny that Sakuya loved.

It died after a few years. I test the green flower on Kuni.

It slowly sinks into her. Eyes flicker open.

"WHAT?!" I yelled, making Sakuya run out.

"What happened?!" He panic.

He then looks towards Kuni. "Kuni..?"

"I.. I don't.. I don't know what I did." I press my bracelet and I turn back to normal.

I go over to him and pat his head.

"Yep.. That's him." He hugs Kuni tight.

He takes him in.

I don't even know what I did. Life magic? Since when?

"Maybe that's how you survive longer back years ago."

"Huh?" I look at the bracelet and it comes off, but then forms a guy. [Look at picture.]

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I stay back from the sudden apparence.

His black bunny ears twitches a bit.

His light aqua hair shines as he stares at me.

"Wh-What do you mean?!"

"I meant, I was with you by choice if you say."

"I never see you! In fact, I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!"

"Sorry. I'm Jika. Nice to meet you."

"How did you even know my memories?!"

"I bet Dreadlox put me with you." Dreadlox?

"Why him? What do I need with you?"

"Guardians. The ones of your family that has bracelets has guardians."

"Okay.. But that doesn't explain my main question." I glare a bit.

I'm not sure if I should trust this Jika.

"Well, I didn't exactly read your memories. Let's say I was waiting until I've become your guardian."

"I- What? I don't understand!"

"It means, I already pick you to guard in the first place. Of course, I would have to spy on you to see if you can take of yourself in the first place. Looks like not all the time."

"What about the poison thing? Saying that it's how I lived longer with the poison still in me."

"Enough of asking that! Look. That medicine Sakuya gave long time ago, I insert life magic in it."

"No wonder." I scratch the back of my head. "Sorry."

"Why are you apologizing all of a sudden?"

"It's just that.. I was foolish of talking to a Guardian like that. It's unproper of me."

"You think I'm all proper like that? Because I look like I'm proper, doesn't mean I act like it."

Oh well.. He goes back to a bracelet, surrounding my wrist.

"AHH!" I hear Bodil scream.

I run back inside.

"What happened?!" I open the door quick.

From such shock, Bodil couldn't utter a word.

I look over and a white glowing light shines brightly.

I think he has just activated his Guardian.

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