EXTRA 3 [1/3]: Jose and Sakuya's Date..

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A/N: Request from Kiriko and brothers. BRING ON THE SHIPPERS!

~Sakuya's POV~

I accidently fell out of bed. I had a weird dream last night.

I kept rolling around. Surprising, I can't remember what's the dream was.

Getting my senses from such a fall, I see someone's feet to my face.

"GAH!" The smell impales my nose.

I stand straight and see Jose.

"What the.. Why are you here? In fact, WHY did you wake up so early?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Good point, but still.

I only fell. Doesn't mean I'm fully awake.

Though.. The smell sure tense up my body a bit, so I guess that fully woke me up.

I just rub my head in embarrassment.

"I'll be going to take a bath." I run to the bathroom.

After the bath, I come out and Jose lays on the bed.

Sometimes, he's not a great waiting person.

He's one of my best friends a long time ago.

Before Kayleigh that is.

At the time, it's how I also met Skylar and her best friends.

Kiriko was the only one that I've known longer until the others went to other places.

We met again one time in the park.

Jose though.. He was the bestest friend I ever got when I first came to school.

After my little adoption from my dad, I went to school.

I wasn't that bright kid much in the school.

Because I didn't came to great senses about happiness much yet at the time.

He did cheer me up at time to time.

"By the way, are you just gonna stand there Sakuya? You're just in pants."

"S-Shut up!"

"Oh yea? Make me." He pops up from the bed and pins me to the wall.

I blush in embarrassment.

I try to release my wrists from his grips, but it was no use.

He took gym classes. I'm not even sure if I could beat that.

Plus, I'm only up to his neck by size! (That's actually true though <.<)

"Hey Sak-"

We both look towards to the door.

Brittney stands there, blushing crimson red.

"It's.. Not what it looks like?" We both smile nervously.

In the end, she fainted of nosebleed.

Jose finally releases my wrists and we both go to Brittney.

"Uh.. Dad. Birrtney's down."

Dreadlox flows in. "Your dad's asleep with his lover. I'll help for now. So what?"

"Brittney's down."

"Oh. Did she some random embarrassing moment or what?"

"Oh you shut the fu-" Jose covers my mouth.

"Sh.. No cussing." I just cross my arms.

After Brittney got over the little.. Scene, we all go to the kitchen to eat.

"Hey Sakuya."

"Yea?" I continue to eat as Jose talks.

"Wanna go on a date for once?" I spit out my milk in the trash can after that.


"What? It's not that bad." I blushed crimson red.

I cover it with my jacket. Nope! No way! I can't believe he actually asks me that!

He grabs my jacket away and lifts my face with his palms.

I push him away. I blushed so much that I may look like a tomato.

"You know what?" Jose gets up from his chair and goes to me.

He force kisses me.

Noticing, he went straight to using the tongue to flow around.


We stop kissing, but I felt weird after.

We turn behind us, and there, standing with wide eyes.

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