Chapter 35 [1/4]

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~Bodil's POV~

Once I got home, I look through the computer for events.

I'm planning to go somewhere a bit different.

I was thinking of asking Dreadlox to give the kids, Double, and I an unusual adventure.

Portals, of course, I would need them if I need to go to somewhere that will turn the adventure a notch.

The few events I found seem boring, so I shut the computer and ran to the background, where Dreadlox played around with the kids.

Uncle Dreadlox could be a better title for the family.

I giggled for a moment and go to them.

"Dreadlox!" I insisted him to come to me.

He excused himself from the children, to me.


"I was wondering if you knew a world that could give the family an unusual adventure!"

"Wasn't Wonderland, the opposite world, and other worlds that you went into enough?" He groans in annoyance, seeming a bit tired from talking about this.

"That was all in the past. I want something else. A game maybe?"

"A game world? You're kidding right?"

I glare at him with an eyebrow up.

He sighs, face palming with a shadow hand.

"I guess I have one game in mind, but it's a bit hard and dangerous.. Your kids are a bit grown up so I can see them being okay with it."

"Alright!" I jump up and down like a child.

I stand straight up again like a professional.

"What kind of game?"

"How's your kids' reactions to murder?" He makes a few weapons appear.

A chill goes down my spine. "Uh.. I don't know.."

I was a bit scared of how this game was gonna be like..

I shivered a little.

"E-Exactly how does i-it go?" I trembled as I talked.

"Well, if you really want to go into detail, it's a game of murder where you're place into a world AKA level and you find other people to kill. And no. You don't LITERALLY die. You respawn back in the lobby where you first start. And at that time, you can play again, but you have to wait for the game to be finish. You can watch the game while you're at it, at one angle that is. Spectating freely in the game is for VIPs. It's fucking dumb. The winner gets to choose which provided prize is theirs to keep. It's pretty simple. Think of it like the Hunger Games in Minecraft. It's like that, except you can't restore your health if you get a few damage. You're kept like that so it'll make it fair. You go through other buildings, you may find a weapon or something to use. No chests, just weapons lying around. Also for guns, you have to reload of course, but it's hard because literally every bullet pack is hidden. Melee weapons are allowed, except it has a limit to it's damage with each hit. Don't worry, you'll see your limits, health, shit, whatever else there is as a hologram. One thing, you can ONLY see YOUR hologram graph, while others are ONLY visible to themselves. Oh, and jumping off a building for a quicker way down, don't be a lazy ass because you'll lose health as well." He finishes.

"Dang.. I don't see how I'll remember THAT much.." I was dumbfounded.

For knowing a game, that is a lot of things to know..

"Wait. I'm dumb. I should have just gave you a How To Play info sheet." Dreadlox slaps himself in disappointment.

He gave me one, including maps/level types and how it works.

"Wait, is it only creatures and non-humans joining?"

"Nah, I've seen Youtubers play the game, so this isn't the first. It depends if they have someone that can access the gaming world or they have a personal portal of their own."

I think a little and thought maybe I could bring along other friends too.

"What's the max?"

"You can read the sheet. I'm tired of talking about this. Last time, I had to explain EVERYTHING to someone, and I'm not happy about it. Anyways, I'll take you tomorrow." He floats back to the kids and just played with them more.

It was a bit evil of me, but true, I haven't done violent games much, so worth a try.

Plus, it gives you the chills that makes you excited.

Yep, I'm weird.

I was a bit tired already, so I slept early.

It was nearly night, so an early sleep should give me packs of energy, ready for the game.

I throw off my jacket, tie and shades and went to sleep right away.

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