Chapter 14

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~Double's POV~

I woke up in an ally way..

As I get my vision straight, I see that I've been chained to the fences behind me..

"Hey! Anyone out there?!" There was no one to be found..

Until I heard footsteps. I lift my head up and people with some..

Oh god.. Please..

Don't tell me I know where this is gonna go..

(R18 at this point)

"Hehe.. Aren't you sexy?" One of the guys grabs my pants, ripping them off.

I panic and try to shake out of their grips, but I failed.

As the others put me down, one of them sucks on my member..

"Please stop.." I begged.. And begged..

But none of them listened..

Then.. One of them took off their clothes and rammed into me..

"AH!!" It hurted.. They didn't even hesitated..

Though, I didn't feel much pain than I would think..

Am I..

Am I just dreaming..?

Everything went to black after then..

I heard a voice screaming. As it become clearer, everything starts going slighty white.

(R18 ends here)

"DAD!" I open my eyes, sitting up straight.

I breathe hard.. Why did I dream of that..?

As I look around me, I was in my room.

As I look to my side next, I see Sakuya sitting on a chair.

"Um.. What happened?"

"You screamed.. I thought something happened.." Aw.. How sweet that he cares.

"It's okay.. It was just a nightmare.." A nasty nightmare I have to say.

He hugs me tightly.. I guess he was really worried.

"Hey. Where's the others?"

"They went shopping." I pat his head.

He's a good son.. A very good one.

I let Sakuya sleep for now on my bed. He seems like he was waiting for a long time.

I went to the kitchen and got some cookies out of the cabinet.

Though.. I checked if there is any posion in it.. Don't wanna end up like last time..

I was still wanting to know I did posion me..

Who ever did.. I'll kill them..

As I check it, there was no posion. I eat it in relief.

"Mr. Ryan?" I look behind and Brittney stands, holding a little Double and Bodil40 plushie.

"Huh?" I thought me and Bodil lost those..

"Well, you guys did lost it.. I found it again." I grab the Bodil one and hug it tight.

"Thanks for finding this Brittney.. I really did miss this.."

"I can tell." And there goes her lovely common smile. I pat her head.

~Sakuya's POV~

I woke up and see Brittney sitting across the bed.

"Brittney?" I look over to her..

She holds something close to her.. I scoot over to her.

"Hey.. What's that you holding?" She turns. She hugs me all of a sudden.

"Oh nothing.. Just this Bodil plushie.." I look at it. Is it from a store?

Nah. It couldn't be..

It looked old..

"Say.. I kind of have the same plushie." I go over to my bag.

I grabt he plushie. Showing Brittney, she lightens up.

"Where did you find that?"

"I just did.. I found it on the streets." She grabs it and connects it to the plushie she had.

"This is mine.. Years ago.." It's hers?! Dang.. She's good at knitting. "I gave it to Mr. Ryan and Martin.. I guess they losted it after.."

"Birthday presents?"

"No.. Christmas presents.." I hug her to help her be more happy.

I kiss her, making her slighty better.

"I love you."

"Me too.."

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