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Nico di Angelo,never had any friends...

since he could remember,he was treated differently from everyone else...
his father treated him like a man who would understand the great responsibility upon his shoulders...
his mother was the only one who treated him like a normal 10 year old,but ever since she passed away,there was no one else for him...

no one for him to share his secrets with...
no one to sing lullabies for him til he fall asleep...
no one to share his meals with him,and like always,he had to sit alone at the dinner table,sometimes accompanied by his father,but that was never any different...

he missed his sisters,Hazel and Bianca,but ever since Bianca requested to join the royal hunters of the palace,he hadn't seen her with how busy she was training...

Hazel was spending more time with their stepmother,Persephone,and missed almost every meal with nico...

so basically...Nico was on his own...

of course,he had his personal guards to sometimes talk to,and sometimes his sisters when they weren't doing their choirs,which,they were always busy doing...

so when he found the blonde sunny boy,with the brightest blue eyes he'd ever seen,he couldn't contain himself from not going back there again...

he would never admit it,but some nights,he wished he could hear anything else except the skull crushing silence...
he wished he could hear his mother's voice again,singing lullaby...
he wished he could ask anyone to accompany him through the night,but everyone excepted him to act strong...
so he swallowed his fear,his loneliness,and slept through out the night in hope for a brighter morning...

and that bright morning happen to come with a blonde boy,with his stupid handsome grin...

soon,that was all he was doing...
escaping the guards,which was easy.
climb the tree,which Will had repeatedly told him not to,and spending the rest of his day with him.

Will was different than the rest of the people around him...
he never made him feel like he should be someone his father expected him to be.
someone who everyone treated him like...

he could've been anyone when he was with Will,cause he knew he would never judge him..

"you know,you never showed me any of your drawings..."

Nico said while he was laying his head on Will's lap.
the boy above him gave him a small smirk,his eyes dancing with playfulness.

"I will show you soon,dont worry..."

Nico let out a soft 'hm' and stared back up at blue sky,trying to find a difference between it and Will's eyes...
surely,the blonde's eyes were prettier...

"hey Will,when's your birthday?"

and for the first time since he'd arrived,Will put down his sketch book,and smiled brightly at Nico...

"it's next week!"


Hey guys!

first,I should inform you all,I changed Nico's bday from 7 to 10. sorry,I had my own reasons.

second,thank u so much for all your love and support!
your votes and comments means ALOT to me and I cant thank u guys enough!

special thanks to my awesome friends and sister :







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