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he tried his hardest to stifle a laughter as Jason's panicked voice echoed throught the hallways.
he climbed the hidden stairs,just behind the stairways that lead to palace's second floor.

no one knew about that place...
he remembered how he,and his sister Bianca had found and turned it to their own secret hiding place...
a smile crept its way to his lips but vanished as soon as it came..
those memories belonged to another lifetime...back to the days he wasn't so alone...

he pushed open the small wooden door to the attic,and crawled his way in,but as soon as was inside,he let out a yelp of surprise and drew his sword,inches away from the intruder's neck

"woah!dude!!!calm down!!!for gods' sake!!lower than damned sword!!!"

the intruder screamed,backing away from Nico...
The raven haired man slowly lowered his sword,but still not letting his guard down.

"who the hell even are you?"

he asked the stranger,and as he reached to light up the lantern,he heard a soft chuckle from the younger man

"here,let me help you..."

there was a hand next his,and the whole room light up with a brilliant golden light...
it was at that moment that Nico allowed himself to look the stranger and it took his breath away...

in front of him,stood a young handsome man...
with sandy blonde hair,warm sky blue eyes and a smile that Nico had never seen anything as bright as...
there was a consultation of frackles spread across his cheeks,even his neck and hands,matching perfectly with his tan skin...
he was wearing a simple white dress shirt,with skinny black pant...
his long fingers remind Nico of a musician,but they were holding a brush tightly,as if planning to use it as a weapon.

"I'm the new artist in town,invited here by the palace to draw the new king!"

Nico's breath hitched in his throat...the new king?
he glanced at the boy suspiciously...and he couldn't find any lies in those awfully familiar blue eyes...

"and I suppose you havent met the king yet?"

the blonde shook his head,pointing behind himself with his thumb over his shoulder.

"I was just setting my stuff here...I just arrived,and I have no idea how,but I found myself here..."

Nico let out a sigh,nodding slowly...
no one supposed to know about this place...
after all it was his secret hideout...

"anyway,my name is Andrew!"

the man extended his hand,looking awfully cheerful that it hurt to even look at...looking so peaceful and casual around him...
and for some odd reason...Nico didnt want that to change...

"my name is Jason,nice to meet you Andrew..."

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