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take a deep breath...dont lose focus...


it'll be all over soon...keep on your composer...


the raven haired young man,slowly rose his right hand and gave a formal wave...
the crowd that had gathered under the royal palace's balcony,burst into cheers and kept calling his name...

please let it be over soon...

the sound of cheer,his name being called over and over again,the title that he knew he would bare one day,but never so soon,at his 17th birthday,and the pressure of the golden crown on his head...
it was all too much to handle...all alone...

"your majesty,we should go back to your throne room."

Jason,Thalia and Reyna,Nico's royal guards started escorting him back to his throne room,away from all the noises...
as soon as they were away from the the other guards,Nico let out a loud huff and smacked Jason on the back of his head.

"Ow!what the hell?what was that for?"

as Jason started rubbing his head,Nico crossed his arms over his chest,trying to look as imitating as he could with being an arm shorter than the blonde boy.
he glared,and pointed an accusing finger toward Jason.

"your majesty??what the hell Jason?since when do YOU call me majesty?"

Jason's mouth did a little O shape.

"well....I can't just straight out and call you by your name in front of others like that..."

behind him Reyna and Thalia stood,shoulder by shoulder,snickering at their partner's struggles.

"oh?is that so Grace?"

Nico had been trained to become a king ever since he was 7...
he knew everything by heart...
how to make people shake in their sits by just looking at them from his throne...
how to only repeated himself once,and get people do what he wants...
so it wasnt hard for him to slowly allow a sadistic grin play on his lips,his eyes glowing devilishly...
Jason gulped visibly,his adam apple bobbing up and down.

"then you wouldn't have a problem with me beheading you now,would you?"

Jason paled,his electric blue eyes widened with shock


"because I am indeed your king,and you wont disobey me,will you Grace?"

Jason glanced behind himself,asking for help from the not too sympathetic young women.
Reyna shrugged and at least at the decency to look sympathetic while Thalia on the other hand had been doubled over and was laughing her royal guard ass off at his brother.

"sorry Grace,you walked right into it...dont expect us to do anything,your idiocy is far out of our hands."

Nico let out a low chuckle unlike himself and rolled his eyes at Jason's bewildered expression

"relax Grace,I still need you around,so maybe beheading you can wait a lil..."

Jason huffed and crossed his arms while glaring at his three friends,all teasing him

"geez,it feels so good to be loved!"

Thalia pushed him aside,while wrapping her arm around Nico's shoulder.

"lets get you into throne room,yeah lil cousin?"

Nico nodded and they started toward the throne room...

becoming a king was hard...
doing it alone was even harder...
having no one to sit at the royal throne next to him was becoming more and more difficult with each passing second...

Nico's hand found its way to the pocked of his royal coat,and grapped onto the familiar piece of metal...
his thumb slowly started tracing circle around the sharp edge,right where he knew it would be broken,separated from its other half...
he let out a sigh and walked in the room...

being alone was exhausting...
and on that day,on his 17th birthday,once again he tried to think about the familiar golden curls,the sky blue eyes,and the sunny smile...
he tried to remember the pinky promise that was made that day...

and it was on that day that he understood...
the boy of his dreams had faded away,leaving only a small piece of himself behind,the only thing that made Nico believe it wasnt all a dream...

the boy..
with green eyes?
brown curls?
did he ever even smile?
the boy...

...who Nico no longer knew...


hey guys!sorry im late!
I updated this story on ao3 two days ago and I kinda forgot to do it here!
aways,I hope u enjoy it so far!

thanks for reading,see ya

Forget Me Not {A Solangelo AU}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu