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Nico searched for days,for a perfect gift...

but no matter how much he tried,it was like all the most valuable things,were turned to ash in front of Will.

A sword?Will didnt even like fighting.
a nice shirt?Will was always the neat one,while Nico's jeans and shirts were always ripped somehow...

five days of searching,and one day before Will's birthday when Nico was completely defeated,his sister,Hazel came for a visit...

they were sitting on Nico's bed,crossed leg when Will's name accidentally slipped passed Nico's lips...
Hazel's golden eyes shone as she clapped her hands and moved closer to his brother.

"Nico,let me tell you a legend!"

Nico simply rolled his eyes..
his sister was an expert in valuable metals and precious stones,so he already knew what she was going to tell him..

"years and years ago,there were two lovers,that no matter what,wouldn't get apart...
they had made a vow to always stay together,even in death and beyond...
but one day,one of them had to leave the other...they had no choice but to part ways,so the other lover,although heart broken,didn't lose hope...
he gave his lover a heart shaped gold necklace,but before they leave,they broke the heart in two pieces,so they can always remember each other....
seven years later,just when he was slowly forgetting his lover's face,they met again....

Nico looked at his sister,confused

"Hazel,as much as I love you,your craziness is getting out of hand...
Will and I are just friends,what does that story have to do anything with us?"

Hazel had simply gave him a mischief grin,her eyes dancing with amusement...

"you'll see dear dense brother of mine.."

thats how Nico had ended up with sweaty palms,and a red velvet box in his hands,standing under the tree of their meeting place,on Will's birthday....

Will arrived 15 minutes later,something unusual,as Will was always there before Nico...
his signature smile was there as well,but there was something about his eyes...they were sad...shining with defeat and hopelessness..

as they sat together under the tree,an uneasy silent was set upon them.
Nico shifted,wiping his sweaty palms against his black jeans,reaching to hand Will his birthday gift,but Will beated him to it

"hey Nico-"

"hey Will-"

they both stared at each other,Nico grinning but soon it turned to a frown as he saw Will's eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Will?what's wrong?spill.."

Will laughed,wiped his eyes and nodded

"Nico...there's something I should tell you..."

Nico nodded,waving for him to continue

"Nico...my dad..um..he found a new job at another land...far away from here.."

Nico could feel his throat starting to ache as his eyes began to sting


Will looked down at his hands


the silent after that was heartbreaking...
they both just sat there,not moving at all


and for the first time since they arrived,Will looked at Nico...
and that was then when Nico realized..
'oh...im gonna miss those eyes...'

"tomorrow...Nico i-"

but he never got finish as Nico jumped to his feet,and started running...

he could hear Will call after him...
hold on!Wait!
he could hear his name being called,over and over again...
he could hear his rapid steps hitting the marble ground of the palace...
Tap Tap...
he could hear his own heartbeat in his ear...
Thump Thump...
but mostly,he could hear his own voice inside his head that kept yelling...
yelling only one thing :

"He's leaving me..."



sorry for taking such a long time!!!
my midterm exams has started,so I update a lil late,sorry guys💗

anyway!I hope u enjoy this chapter!I know its going angsty,but I PROMISE It'll have an ending you all will love!
u know I've proven that already,right?

this chapter is dedicated to my awesome readers and friends :








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