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The ball night was getting closer by each passing day,and Nico wasn't proud to say he was anxious for the first time since he'd become a king.

After the incident at the attic,he didnt go to see Andrew anymore.
It was hard,yes,but he thought it would be for the best.
He just couldn't get the image of those clear sky blue eyes out of his head...
That laughter that was more melodic than any songs he'd ever heard...
Those sandy blonde curls that he just knew would be just like silk to touch...

He needed a break from Andrew...but mostly,he needed time to himself.

The paperworks he neglected for so long, finally caught up to him,and he suddenly found himself drowned under hundred of scrolls, waiting for his signature.

It was good actually. A good distraction for him from all the things around him...but mostly,from the half golden heart that he saw that day under Andrew's shirt.

As a king,he had alot of things to take care of,but because of his royal guards who were his close friends since childhood,he had managed to escape from them for so long.

Reyna,of course,was the first one to notice the change in his behavior.

She walked up straight to him one night when he was overworking himself,his food long gone cold on his desk,his head buried deep in long scrolls that who knows what they were for.

"Nico,take a break." She said, slowly taking the milky paper out of his hands. Nico looked up,then stared at his empty hand before looking up once again.


His voice was so confused,that his royal guard couldn't do anything but to let out a snort at his childish behavior.

"Yeah,i think we met before?like,seven years ago perhaps?give or take?"

Nico frowned at that, finally rising out of his seat to stretch his arms above his head,letting out a content sigh at the sound of 'pop' that followed his action.

"Hey,royal guards dont mock their king you know?"

Reyna nodded, sitting on top of his desk and throwing a grape in her mouth, chewing it thoughtfully before answering.

"I agree. But royal guards also dont clean up after their king,they dont cover him when he sneaks to who knows where,and they dont copy their signature instead of the king himself!"

Nico glanced at her,his hand coming up to straighten his collar,and cleared his throat.

"Then i guess we are passed the king and guard relationship."

Reyna smirked, folding her arms over her chest,and Nico just hated how she was taller than him even when she was half sitting.

"So?whats wrong with you?spit it out,will you??"

Nico's heart gave a small thump against his ribcage,but his expression remained unchanged.

"What do you mean?"

Reyna gave him the look he knew oh so well.
It was the same look everytime he would receive when he refused to sleep after days of exhaustion.

"Nico,dont fuck with me dear." She said,her voice stern as always. "I know you. I know how you get when you want to escape from reality,only to drown yourself under a pile of useless paperworks that you dont even care about!"

She pushed her back off of his desk, walking toward him.
This way,it looked like as she was looming over him.
Reyna jabbed an accusing finger at his chest and continued.

"Nico,you are a king now. Whether you like it or not,you must face your problems. They wont go away if you continue to ignore them. They wont fade,they wont vanish,heck! they will come back at you ten folds stronger!they will get more and more until you cant take it anymore!"

Then,her tone grew softer,her sharp eyes losing their edge for a little.

"Stop overthinking over things that are simple as drinking water. Stop adding to that burden on your shoulders with the things that arent even that complicated."

She took her sword from where she had left it on Nico's desk,and before she left,she flicked him on the forehead,and her words echoed through the empty hallways.

"Talk to him Nico. He wont know whats on your mind until you speak it out. You may not know it,but some people dont have the ability to read minds."

The doors were closed behind her before Nico could even react, leaving him in the silence of his room alone,just with the loud screams of his uncomfortable thoughts.

"Hold on..." He murmured "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU EVEN KNOW ABOUT HIM?"



Yes im alive,dont worry lol

WOW! Its been so long since i wrote or came here!
Im really sorry for not updating,but im really busy with my exams and life!

I wanna really thank to my good readers who cheered on me,and encouraged me to update again!!!!

Love u all!!stay safe!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 25, 2021 ⏰

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Forget Me Not {A Solangelo AU}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ