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Tomorrow came faster than it ever did...

tomorrow came,without sunshine...

tomorrow came without any happiness or any good mornings...

tomorrow came with cloudy sky...
it came with a reminder for Nico..

tomorrow came,knocking on his window with a whisper

'you'll be more alone from now on...'

Nico stood under his favorite tree of all...

the tree was strong...
years of living under stormy weathers,had it bent,had its branches broken,but it still stood proud...
years after years people came and left it...
but tree's life went on and one...
Nico smiled bitterly,and if he hadn't spent all the last night crying,he would've found the lonely tree a good shoulder to cry on...

Nico knew it...
ever since he saw Will,he knew it..
he knew one day,Will would leave him like everyone else did...
after all,thats what people are good for;coming in your life,filling you with promises of never leaving you,never making your smile perish,but at the end,all of them are just broken,empty promises...
made with a simple lie,blown away by tomorrow's soft sigh...

but he never knew that tomorrow would come to him so so fast...
after all,he was just starting to think that maybe,only maybe,he would have a life he wished for with Will...


he didn't turn.
he didn't cry.
he just stood there,watching how the remaining leaves of the tree were dancing with the morning wind...
and he knew,oh so well,how much he would miss his name being called by the boy he loved...


he refused to answer.
he refused to acknowledge Will...
cause something told him if he did,he would wake up to a nightmare that he couldn't ever escape from...
a nightmare where there was no sunny smiles,no sky blue eyes,and no gentle touch to wake him up...

"Nico,come on,talk to me..."

but he knew,he should wake up soon...

"have you ever dreamed,but when you wake up,you cant remember it?"

Will was silent,so Nico continued

"have you ever suddenly,woke up feeling so good,and never wanting to let that feeling go?"

that's how you make me feel..

"have you ever just felt like you're standing on top of the world?"

thats where you take me...

"Will,have you ever felt so lonely that it starts to become a habit?
have you ever felt like there's never a good tomorrow for you?"

thats how I was before I met you...

Nico turned around,and for the first time faced Will.
his chocolate eyes were shinning,tears running on his pale cheeks.

Will was staring at him,his tears too running on his tan skin,making his freckles shine like glitters.

"and just when you think that maybe,maybe those days are over,someone hit you with a brick,and remind you that you can never be happy!"

he yelled...
and he didnt know why...

his heart hurt...he was angry,so so angry,but not at Will...
he was angry that the fates were so against him...
they took his mom,then his sisters...
they threw Will in his life,made him fall in love and then just laughed at him,making fun of him for believing,even for one second that he could be happy.
and Nico knew so well,that not everyone would live a happy life...
it was just hard to accept that he was one of them.


before he knew it,he was engulfed in a warm embrace...
his tears started running down his cheeks faster,as he tried to memorize the way Will's embrace felt for the last time...
he buried his face in Will's chest,wrapped his small hands around Will's sweater..

"why must you leave me too Will?"

the pain felt awfully familiar...in ways he couldn't describe...
he felt exactly the as the day he held his mother's hand,while she smiled at him for one last time...
Nico could still hear her very last words...

"Nico,my son...
life is a very difficult journey...
you will fall,very hard along your way...
your knees will get scratched,you hands will get bloody...
you heart may shatter with every step...
your mind will lose it's tolerance...
and everything will turn to nothingness and you will no longer have the will to take another step forward...
but Nico,my angel...always remember...
better days are to come..."

Will's hands were as gentle as always,rubbing his back and whispering in his ear

"Nico,I promise you,I will come back one day...I will come back home to you..."

Nico slowly reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out the red velvet box that he never had the time to give it to Will...

"I got this for your birthday."

he stared at how Will's eyes shone as he opened the box,gasping as he spotted the heartshape necklace inside it...

the necklace was the same as in the legend that Hazel had told him...
it was heart shaped,half of it gold and silver while the other half was black and silver...

Will stared at them for a second before removing two pieces from each other..

"Will you promise to come back some day,Will?"

Will's fingertips sent shiver down Nico's spine as they made contact with his skin while tying the necklace around his neck...

"I'll promise,even if it's the last thing I'll do,I'm gonna come back to you Nico..."

he tied the gold half of the heart around his own neck and ran his fingers across Nico's tear stained cheeks...
their pinkies locked as they sealed their promise by pressing them together...

"its a promise then.."

Nico watched that day as Will's carriage moved toward the sunset...
he watched til he couldnt see Will's hand waving for him anymore...
he watched as the orange turned to black ink,and the shinning stars started decorating the emtpy sky...

when he layed down in his bed that night,he slept with his half heart shaped necklace in his hands and his mother's voice in his dreams...

"my sweet angel,remember better days are to come when you fall in love..."


Don't ask why updated two days in a row,lol😁
thanks for reading guys!
I also update this story in AO3,and my usernams is : Luna0713Hunter

thanks for reading!dont forget to vote!

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