Chapter 35

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If you want to listen to the song and fancy a good cry then I recommend listening to it towards the end :)

"How is Draco holding up?" Hermione asks me as we sit in the great hall with food appearing before us. "Alright I guess." I push my empty plate away from me and place my hands on my lap as I look down at them. "Are you okay y/n?" She questions me composedly just as Ron and Harry enter. "I'm just not hungry." I mumble.
"... it was bloody nuts!" Ron and Harry sit down opposite Hermione and I just as Ron is finishing his sentence.

I wipe a warm tear away from my burning cheek and stand up off of the bench languidly, pull my satchel back on my shoulder and rush out of the hall with Hermione calling after me front the table.

I don't think about where to go, I just walk. I walk until I incredulously reach the astronomy tower. I stroll over to the half wall and look over; and with prostration, I close my eyes and breathe in deeply taking in the fresh evening air.

I don't know if I can handle anymore stress. I just want it all to go away.

I feel a small poignant tear escape from my eye and drip down my rosy cheek until both of my cheeks are soaked in salty tears.

Why me?

The question haunts my mind as I look down over the edge of the tower.

Jump y/n.

My eyes bolt open and I spin around to see a healthy, tall Draco standing sharp and composed. "Draco you're out!" I muffle.
"Is everything alright darling?" He asks inquisitively, leisurely walking towards me.
"Yeah, yeah no everything's fine." I put on a fake smile and tilt my head upwards meeting his glistening eyes. "I love you." He whispers as he puts an index finger underneath my chin lifting it slightly higher.
"I love you too Draco."

"Yeah you do." He snickers and kisses me passionately on the lips. The kiss lasts at least 3 minutes however near the end of it Draco slides his hand against my thigh and up my skirt towards my heat. I gasp at the sudden insensible touch and he pulls away from the kiss. "You look so beautiful in this moonlight." He whispers as his fingers push aside my underwear. "Draco..." I moan out, wrapping my arm around his neck.

"That's it baby, say my name. Scream it. Let the whole world know your mine." He slides his fingers in between my dripping folds, rubbing circles on my clit with his thumb. "Fuck your so wet for me." Draco moans out just as he slides a finger inside of me. I let out a slight whimper and squeeze my eyes shut as i obsequiously buck my hips against his finger.

He doesn't mess around and Inserts two more fingers and that's when my moans start. I grab hold of his wrist and I push his fingers in harder as he sucks vigorously on my neck leaving dark purple bruises all over. "Go on baby let loose, scream in pleasure." He muffles into the crook of my neck.
My mouth gapes open as I continue to sorely thrust Draco's fingers inside of me, hitting my G spot everytime. "Draco baby I'm gonna cum..."  i begin to feel my legs give way as my climax hits. "dracoooo." I scream as I cum all over his fingers and I collapse on the floor in prostration. He crouches down to my level on the ground and holds his covered fingers up to his mouth.

"That was hot." He initiates before sliding all three of his fingers into his mouth one by one sucking off all of my juices. "Your so naughty Draco." I giggle out of breath. "And your so hot darling. Works both way you know." He pulls me up and hugs me. "Next time don't lie to me about being "okay"." He kisses both of my hands before winking and taking my hand, clasping it tight in his.

"Come on let's go."

As we transverse back to the common room, I come to a halt but keep hold of Draco's hand. He gets pulled back when my weight on the other end of his hand stops and he turns to face me. "Is everything alright darling?" He questions as he grips my hand tighter. "I think I'm going to be sick." I pull myself out of Draco's mauled grasp and run to the closest bathroom, only to realise a few minutes after puking that I am, in fact, in the boys bathroom.
"Y/n this is the boys bathroom darling." Draco initiates with a sweet chuckle as he strolls over to the sinks. I exit the cubicle and hang my head in shame, not looking up at Draco, who is leaning against the sinks with a smirk. I walk towards him and finally look up with an embarrassed smile. "Are you okay at least?" He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and kisses me softly on the cheek. "Stupid pregnancy shit." I moan back peevishly and lean on the sinks beside him.

"Well we can't be feeling poignant all the time now can we? Come on I have somewhere I want to take you." I giggle and let Draco pull me out of the bathrooms and into the hallways.

"Draco where are we going?" I ask him playfully as I grab his wrist gently as his hand is placed over my eyes, blocking my sight and the other one guiding me. "Now why would I tell you that baby? That would just ruin the surprise." He whispers into my ear, sending chills down my body.
"We're here." Draco keeps his hand over my eyes, even though we're stationary; i begin to get impatient and nudge him off playfully with a smile. "Draco... it's beautiful!" I gasp and gape in awe at the glowing ball of fire that's setting before us in the sky over the cliffs as fresh colours brush upon an artist's canvas, as if those rays are destined to create a great work of art- one given to those open to capturing rumple moments in the soul.

"Draco..." I turn to face him and hold both his hands in mine possessively. "Y/n darling, I couldn't think of a more romantic place to do this other than the grounds of Hogwarts." I watch his hands with abject enigmas as, for the first time ever, they shake; pulling a small maroon box out of his pocket. I inhale sharply as I realise what it is.

"Y/n the first time I met you, you made my heart beat a million times faster everytime I saw you and you still do. Darling, you are the first person I have ever felt feelings of love towards and when I first felt it I was scared and the feelings were abnormal to me. You helped me believe in love and realise that there is good in the world. Because of you I laugh, I smile and I dare to dream more than I ever have. You are the love of my life, my soulmate, my best friend. Baby you have no idea how much I love you and how much you have changed me over the years and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So..."
Draco kneels down on one knee and opens the maroon box to reveal an alluring emerald ring on which the suns raise bounces off of causing it to glisten enthrallingly in the orange glow.

"Y/n Weasley, will you marry me?"

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