Chapter 24

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The rest of the term was still hard without Draco but having his quidditch shirt with me and his sweet green apple and wood cologne helped a lot. We also wrote letters to each other when Draco had the time to. Right now I'm in the Hogwarts express, in a chilly compartment with my three muted friends: Ron, Harry and Hermione. There is only a month left until Draco is coming back and if you think about it it's not actually that long away. I turn my head to see Ron fast asleep snoring away with his head rested against the fogged up window. Harry is playing with his fingers on his lap and Hermione is reading a huge book. " I'm going to go to the bathroom quick, I'll be right back." I state as I stand up. "Ok, don't be long. I don't want to be left alone with these two bimbos for too long." Hermione says before looking back at her book. I nod and head to the other end of the train.

The other end of the train is completely empty. As I come out of the cubicle, a quite nonchalant Crabbe slides in front of me giving me a shock. "Hello there b'utiful" he leans against the window and pulls a lit cigarette from his mouth. "Crabbe are you smoking weed in the train?" I question in shock.
"That a problem sweetheart?" He blows the smoke from his mouth and walks closer intimidatingly. My face scrunches up as I glare into his evil eyes. "don't call me that you git. Your supposed to be Draco's best friend, what do you think he'll say when he finds out you've been hitting on me?" I spit crossing my arms. "Oh that dick won't care, besides no ones going to tell him anyway isn't that right darling!" He whispers, leaning both his hands either side my head against the wall getting closer to my face. "Get off of me!" I shout pushing him away but failing. He gives me a stern look before slapping me round the face HARD. "OW!" I scream with tears filling my eyes.
"Don't you dare talk to me like that you filthy little Gryffindor, I don't even know why I helped Draco get back together with you. He's too good for a filthy piece of shit like you." And with that he takes another puff of his cigarette and throws it out the window as he marches off. I just stand outside the bathroom holding my shaking hand against my burning, crimson cheek. I shouldn't tell Draco about this... I don't want to be the one who destroys a good friendship.

I make my way back to the compartment where Harry, Ron and Hermione are but this time Ron is awake. "Ready to go?" Harry asks me before looking disorientated at my face. "Y/n w.. what's happened to your cheek?" He goes to touch it but I push his hand away. "It's nothing, I just walked into the door of the bathroom." I mumble quickly before turning away and putting my bag on my shoulder. No one else says a word as we make our way out the train. I take one step out the train and look up. A tall, dark figure stands motionless in front of me with a small smile growing on his face. My face drops in shock as I drop all my belongings and I run to the dark figure. "DRACO!" I shout pulling him in for a tight embrace.

I feel his muscular, warm arms squeeze me back as he kisses me softly on the head. I pull away and look up into his dreamy eyes. "Your a month early! What happened?" I question,  I following my hands as they travel down Draco's stomach. "The dark Lord completed the plan early and decided to let us go back but, never mind that y/n, what's happened to your face?" His face goes from a smile to a concerned frown. He tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear as he examines my cheek. "Oh it's nothing." I mumble, looking at the ground and taking his hand softly away from my face. "It doesn't look like 'nothing.'" Draco's voice going stern.
"I just walked into the bathroom door that's all." I could feel myself getting riled up.
"Y/n..." he trails off looking at my eyes one by one still extremely concerned. "Alright. C'mon let's go." I mentally sigh, glad that he has finally dropped the subject. I go pick back up my belongings and wrap my arm around Draco's torso. He hugs me sideways back and we make our way to Hogwarts. "I've missed you so much!" I whisper as I lean my head on his shoulder. "I've missed you too baby."

First thing is assembly but Draco has other plans. "Hey, how about..." Draco pulls me closer towards him so our faces are inches away from each other's. "We skip assembly and head to my dorm to have amazing sex." He bites his lip as he waits for my answer. I giggle and look down at his feet. "Draco we can't." I look back up with a smile and meet his eyes. "Why not? Afraid of getting caught? Stop being such a goodie two shoes darling, I know you want to." He says softly as his right hand trails down my back and squeezes my ass. I giggle again at his touch and whisper back "okay." I smile while biting my bottom lip and he does the same. "That's my little slut." He gives me a wink and pulls me behind him to his private dorm.

Sorry this chapter is short but I wanted to leave it here and base the next chapter on Draco finding out about Crabbe.
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