Chapter 34

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The common room is still and composed as we are all in abject thought.
"Are you sure?" Harry finally says, breaking the unbearable silence. I go to reply but Ron butts in instead. "Of course shes sure! You can't not be sure!" Ron yells at Harry, standing up out of his chair and pacing the room. "Alright I was just asking." Harry replies peevishly watching Ron pace the room. "Seriously y/n how can you be so stupid!" He stops pacing the room and stares at me with anger in his eyes. "RON!" Hermione yells at him. "I just.. I don't know..." is all I could say. "You don't know. YOU DONT FUCKING KNOW?! Y/N YOUR BLOODY PREGNANT. I expected better from you." Ron bellows vociferously causing Dean to traverse down from the dorms annoyed with all the shouting. "What's going on?" He asks glaring at every single one of us. "Oh didn't you hear. My dear old sister is bloody pregnant. I'm going to be an uncle." And with that Ron storms off past Dean up to the dorms. Deans face does what Harry's and Ron's did as he stares at me. "Wait is that true y/n." He asks me tilting his head to the side. I give him a disappointed nod. "Look guys can we not be like this! It's hard for y/n as it is and she's just had a bad conversation with Draco about it so I'm pretty sure she'd be grateful if you could all just support her like good friends would." Harry's eyes well up as he looks from my face to my stomach to then Hermione in shock. "Draco. Did you just say Draco!" His eyes widen and he bolts out of his chair. "Wait Draco's the father!" Dean initiates from the stairs archway in shock. "Hermione!" I spit at her.
"Sorry..." she mumbles. I look over at Harry who has a singular tear running down his pale cheek and he quickly wipes it away before storming out of the common room. "Harry!" I try to yell but it only comes out at a whisper. "I'm gonna fucking kill him for this!" Ron spits as he comes pounding down the stairs and slams the common room door shut. "Woah Draco's in for it." Dean laughs before following Hermione and I out of the common room.

"Ron leave him alone!" I call after him but it doesn't work. We make our way down the corridors to the courtyard and over to Draco and his minions. "OI FERRET YOU THINK YOU CAN GET MY BLOODY SISTER PREGNANT YOU IGNORANT GIT!" Ron storms over to Draco and pushes him against a tree. Draco doesn't say anything and instead glares at me in disbelief. "I'm sorry I didn't realise he would react this way." I reply with penitence. Draco turns his head back to Ron, who has Draco by the collar against a tree with a ferocious glare. "WELL YOU GONNA SAY SOMETHING FERRET!" Ron comments before shaking his head and punching Draco and throwing him to the ground. "RON STOP! RON PLEASE GET OFF OF HIM!" I yell incredulously, trying to pull him off but he shoves me back and I tumble to the ground. I sit up and tears well up in my eyes as I watch my brother beat up my boyfriend until I notice something strange. Draco's not retaliating. He's just allowing Ron to punch the daylights out of him. "HEY! THATS ENOUGH BOYS!" Professor McGonagall shouts as she waddles over to the boys and pulls Ron up. He allows her to pull him off of Draco but continues to glare at him sorely, who is still on the ground, with a horrific, furious glare before shoving McGonagall off and walking away with her.

"Draco, baby!" I call as I rush over and kneel beside him, cupping his unconscious face in my hands. "Professor! Professor Dumbledore!" I call as I see him traversing past the courtyard. He stops and looks my way before rushing over and seeing a beaten up, unconscious Draco lying in my arms. "We must get him to the infirmary immediately!" He scoops Draco up in his arms and we head to the infirmary.

I watch as Dumbledore exits the infirmary leaving me alone with Draco. I place my hand on his hair and stroke it calmly, feeling the softness of his strands thread through my fingers. "I'm so sorry." I whimper as a tear escapes my eye. I lean over him and kiss him delicately on the forehead and when I sit back up his eyes begin to open adjusting to the light. I smile as he meets my gaze. "What are you doing here!" His voice rough and hoarse, seducing my ears. "I got Dumbledore to bring you to the infirmary and he told me to stay with you for a while until you wake up, making sure your ok." Draco leans on his arms trying to sit up but failing and falling back down. "I'm fine." He grumbles peevishly as his face scrunches up in pain. His nose is exceptionally contorted and his left eye is a deep shade of maroon. "Your not baby, look lemme he-..."
"IM FINE!" He yells and I stop in my movement, pulling my hands back to myself. I sigh and rest them on my lap. "Draco... why didn't you retaliate. When Ron was beating you up." Draco looks away in ashame and sighs. "Because he's your brother y/n. I couldn't do that to you." My eyes begin to fill with salty pools of water again as I look into his melancholy, smokey eyes but I blink it away. A smiles creeps up onto my face but then disappears as I remember what Ron has done to him. "I'm so sorry baby, honestly. I just didn't want to keep it as secret for any longer. If you don't want to be involved I completely understand and if you want to abort it I completely understand but-..." I trail off and look down at my hands before Draco grabs one and squeezes it in his. "I want to stay with you darling, which means I want to be a part of this. I would never leave you to deal with this by yourself, i will also support whatever choice you make with this baby."
"I love you so much." Pull him into a hug and he whispers in my ear in a hoarse voice. "I love you too darling."

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