Dumbledore has got used to me coming up to get blood bags now when I push open the door to his office he turns to me and gives a faint smile "I stocked up for you" he said while pointing over to the stored blood bags, I turn to walkover to them but he spoke again, this was unusual as before he would never speak to me once I entered his office. "Mikaelson, Miss McGonagall told me about the mishap that happened last nigh..." he let out a heavy sigh "due to you being what you are, are you sure you want to be hanging around with one of the Malfoy family." I froze.

"Me and Malfoy are nothing. Don't even think we are friends." I felt my heart dip of the thought of him, I shrugged while turning back around to the blood bags. I had 1 or 2 pints of blood before restricting myself to go for another. "Thank you." I gave Dumbledore another smile before exiting his office.

Just as I was about to shut the door I heard him faintly shout "don't get into trouble Lilith. There is no way out of it if anyone finds out." My first thought was yes there is, compulsion. But that's the last thing I wanted to use as I want everything to be somewhat normal.

Draco POV

Returning back from my walk around the castle grounds I saw a small figure sneakily exiting Dumbledores office. I recognised that figure it was Lilith, I wanted to know what she was up to, she had only been at Hogwarts just over a week and she is already up to something I could feel it and I was determined to find out. I followed her slowly around the castle until I got bored of following her.

"Up to something?" I finally confessed.

She stopped walking and turned around slowly with a confused expression on her face. I take a step forward to close the distance of us. "Why were you in Dumbledores office?" I got straight to the point.

Lilith acted dumb as though I didn't just see her, "What?" She replied still looking 'confused'.

"I saw you, stop acting like an idiot, Mikaelson." Her face relaxed. I took another step forward her, I noticed something on her lower lip, something red. Like blood. I tried to decide whether I wanted to confront her about it to make her embarrassed in front of me or let her walk around school like an idiot.

"Why you looking at me like that?" She looked up at me raising one eyebrow.

"Nothing," I let out a small chuckle. "Looks like you cut your lip." I bit my bottom lip trying not to let out a laugh. Lilith quickly wiped her lip with her hand to remove the blood from her lip, her eyes widened as she looked at the remanning blood on her hand. I stared at her with suspicion wondering why she was acting so strange. Lilith stayed staring at the blood she quickly turned her head and cover her face with her hair. "What in the world are you doing?" I asked hoping she would confess something, instead she told me to get away from her and pasted off down the corridor. What is her problem? That's the second time she has done that now in the past week, as I saw her disappear out of sight I remember she is squeamish, another laugh fell out my mouth of the thought of her. She must be up to something though and I will find out.


There was quidditch tonight and a lot of the boys have been going on about how exited there were to play against Gryffindors for the first time this year, we were all in the boys changing rooms getting ready for practice before the big game later.

"We will win tonight, boys. As long as we stick to the plan. I will try knock Potter off his broom and catch the snitch and in the meantime you guys try and score as much as possible. Got it?" My tone sounding more threatening then demanding. The rest of the boys nodded in agreement.

When we all got onto the pitch everyone was complaining including me about how cold and windy it is.

After around 20 minutes of practice my hands felt like there were going to fall off from frostbite. I stopped my self mid air to take a breather and warm up my hands slightly so I would not slip off my broom, I started blowing warm hair onto my hands and robbing them together, I was watching over the team practice nicely until I saw Zabini's hands slipping of his broom and his legs swigging everywhere.

"Malfoy! Move!"

Before I know it Zabini crash's into me, my hands still not on the broom. I could feel a thud in my heart as a hit the ground. I squinted down at my left forearm to see nothing but blood and as it seems to look like a broken arm I could see a small part of my bone pocking through, it made me feel sick, maybe after all Lilith wasn't the only one squeamish. My arm felt like it was going to fall off. I let out a huge grunt and just stayed lying down feeling drained and like I was about to die, I could over hearing Zabini letting out cry's next to me. I could feel my eyes shut slowly, I tried my best to keep them open but I was too tired. Darkness.

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