Chapter Fifty Two

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Ron and Hermione's reception was loud and raucous; as soon as Mr and Mrs. Weasley left, quite early, there were so many people getting drunk left and right in a matter of minutes. Hermione refused drinks, insisting she wanted to remember tonight.

Ginny and Harry were dancing to one of the few slow songs of the night, in a butterfly garden, the dance floor surrounded by long tables of good and cake and drinks.

"They finally did it." Harry said. Blushing, he quickly added. "Got married."

Ginny laughed and swayed.

Suddenly, a few heads turned, focused on a blonde haired man, drinking a glass of firewhiskey alone.

"They invited Malfoy?!" Ginny cried indignantly. Harry's eyes squinted, trying to be sure that he hadn't mistaken the person. But it was all too obvious.

Hermione walked over to him, confused.

"Malfoy," she said, in a tone one might think was polite, but if you really listened, you could almost feel the acid in her voice. "Who invited you?"

"Ron." He said quietly, surveying the dance floor. His eyes darted to her ring. "Congratulations." His voice was stiff. Hermione blinked.

"Thanks," she replied finally, walking away. "Erm- Enjoy the party." And she soon hurried to find Ron.

Ron and Hermione walked through the garden together, as many guests had taken to, including Seamus and Hannah Abbot, a little more engrossed in eachother than the newlyweds, careful not to stray to far from the music and lights.

"You invited Malfoy?!"

Ron bit his lip.
"Yeah. I-I wanted to be nice."

"Ron, you hate Malfoy,"

"Alright, Harry told me to. I don't think he thought I would but, I did. He told me that he was okay, really. Personally, I still think he's scum. But the guy could use a good party. Did you see him?"

"Yeah," Hermione sighed as they made their way back. "He looked really stressed and sick..."

She suddenly heard a whisper from a bush. They were right back at the entrance to the party. Her curiosity got the better of her.

"I just saw one of my mom's old go ahead..."

Ron grinned and waved, heading over to Harry and Ginny who hailed him with a fresh glass of rum. Hermione peered through the leaves.

She saw the illuminating light of a wand tip. She stood back, held up her wand that she conveniently had stuffed down the front of her dress, nervous for the reason that was Ginny's wedding muttered a spell inaudibly, as the leaves cleared. The light had went out. She kept her wand up.

Suddenly, right in front of her, was Draco Malfoy. She blinked rapidly, then turned to leave.


"No. Stay."

She stared. She still hated him, but there was an urgency in his voice.

"What's wrong?"

He took a step forward. She took a step back, back hitting branches of a bush, leaves getting tangled in her hair. Embarrassed, she tried to get them out.

Malfoy stepped forward once more.

"Just...thanks for inviting me."

"I didn't." Hermione said, flushed and confused, but not wanting to be rude. She turned her head to wrestle with one last stick. As she finally had pulled it out, she felt something cold and wet on her lips.

It was Draco Malfoy's kiss.

She screamed and shoved him off. He stumbled back, eyes wide and skin pallid. Her eyes poured with confusion and anger.

"Malfoy! I'm married! I..." She struggled for words.

"Yeah, I know but-"

"I hate you! Don't come near me!" She said suddenly, not remembering to tell her mouth to form those words. With that, she stormed back into the party.

She took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. She didn't know how to think

Draco Malfoy walked head down, to the little standpoint where it was deemed safe to apparate. As he approached, he saw a girl with long dark hair and pale skin. She smiled.

"How do you know the bride and groom?" He asked bitterly, kicking into the path. He dreaded going back to the old Malfoy Manor, what with his dad dead now recently, and his mother hovering over him although he was quite grown.

"Oh, I don't." She replied, smiling even wider. "My family owns this garden. For weddings and parties and stuff. I'm the greeter, until I can find a better job."

He didn't know how to respond, so he just nodded. Then, awkwardly, he waved, closing his eyes, preparing for apparating. Astoria noticed how he stood, the gait of a person who had been through a lot.

"Hey," she grabbed his arm, and he flinched. "Why don't you stay here, keep me company? I need someone to talk to."

Draco just nodded, but truthfully, be had never felt more appreciated in his life.

Ron and Hermione stumbled into their apartment late, exactly 5:39 in the morning, to a terrible smell. Hermione immediately scrunched up her face.

"What is that?"

Ron sniffed and took a step into their apartment. He looked at her.

"It's the chicken. That I was cutting before the wedding. We, er...never ate it."

She sighed and took a few steps into the living room, and sank into the couch, still in her dress.

"Im too tired to care,"

He lay next to her and instantly fell asleep.

She shook her head, smiling, and fell asleep too, hands together.

Sorry for gross dramione, requested by romanceobsessed_ ew 😂 ily

Not doing question of the chapter lol bc only 2 people answered last time lol bi

Always- a Hinny / Romione fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora