Chapter Forty Two

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Hermione was stressed, prepping everything. Ginny however, was calm and relaxed. A little too relaxed, if you asked anyone. While Vanessa, Fleur, Luna and Hermione were rushing to get ready in their short, magenta bridesmaids dresses, swapping lip stick, and Dr. Sleazacy's Hair Potion in front of the mirror, Ginny lounged on the couch, in sweats and a Weird Sisters T-shirt, her hair thrown up in a ball at the top of her head, downing her third bottle of butterbeer.

"Ginny!" Vanessa yelled. "You have forty five minutes before you have to walk down the aisle!"

"Fly," Ginny burped, correcting her. "And that's, like, a whole hour."

Hermione let out a half scream, her hair already starting to frizz up despite the excessive potion.

"By the way you're acting, it seems like you don't even care about getting married!" She snarled, snatching the butterbeer bottle out of her hands. Luna gazed dreamily out of the window.

"Let me do your 'air," Fleur said, holding a brush. Ginny shook her head.

"I'm perfectly capable of doing it,"

The whole time went like that, one of them insisting to help her with everything, and Ginny yelling angrily that she could do it. Finally, she kicked them out. Luna blinked, then followed, as though she hadn't heard the conversation whatsoever

When she opened the door and was all ready, an old woman told her that they had went down the little path already, down to where the ceremony was set.

They had rented a little grove, by an unused cottage owned by an elderly couple, where they got ready, with a large flowered path that led to an open field.

Ginny slumped against the wall, feeling, for the first time, anxious. She wasn't sure if it was a nervous anxious, or an excited anxious, but she knew it was there, a knot at the pit of her stomach, a thin layer of sweat against her palms.

Suddenly, she saw a figure with bright red hair down the path.

This is it she thought. There's dad.

He took her hand, a small tear in his eye. She was his only daughter after all, this was the one time he would have to go through this, letting his little girl go into the hands of another man. He got a fleeting image of his wife crying at McGonagall's desk, at the news that they had lost her. He wrapped his arms tight around her as they walked, her dress billowing in the slight breeze.

"You'll always be my little girl," he whispered, kissing her on the cheek.

"Dad," she laughed, shaking her head.

"I'm serious." He replied, straightening and smiling sadly. Ginny just laughed. It was real, she decided. There was nothing else to be afraid of. She had her whole life ahead of her, and was going to spend it with the man she loved the most.

Suddenly, as they rounded the corner, Ginny caught sight of everyone, and gasped.

It was a much larger crowd than she had expected. Though, she supposed, they, well, Harry, was very popular. The trumpet-like noise of Hagrid blowing his nose could already he heard from the very last seat. Or, three seats.

As she turned, she saw Harry, and was surprised to see that he was trembling, clutching his firebolt with shaking hands. He had a silly and cute smile on his face.

Arthur carefully and slowly placed his daughter's thin hand into Harry's rough, calloused, strong one.

"She's all yours now," he said sadly, giving him a nod.

He waited until he was seated next to his weeping wife to dissolve into tears.

Harry had been on a broomstick countless times, and flying had always come naturally to him. He could stay on his broom through blistering thunderstorms, and clutched onto bucking nimbuses. But nothing, nothing, compared to the difficulty of gripping his firebolt at this moment. Staying stationary in the air, in the bright clear sunshine, staring at the love of his life.

Ginny Weasley looked beautiful today, he thought. His breath caught the moment he saw her, fiery scarlett hair flowing behind her in the light breeze, littered with pearls. She sat side-saddle on her CleanSweep 12, white, sleeveless dress hanging down. She gripped her broom with an easy, loping grace, while Harry kept tightening his grip, getting lost in her eyes and in her sweet, flowery smell that he loved so much. He didn't even know if she could understand how much she meant to him. How much this moment meant to him. He didn't think that she knew how many times he dreamed of losing her, in that battle, in the chamber of secrets, that time, when the green curse missed her by inches...if it had been aimed differently...

He had to wipe away a few tears before the wispy minister, riding on a broom of his own, turned to Harry.
"Do you, Harry James Potter, take this woman to be your wife, for better or for worse, until death do you part?"
Harry turned to Ginny, who grinned and bit her lip. He thought of those golden days with her by the lake, her blazing look during his darkest hour, her hair, the feel of her lips on his...

"I do."

"I now declare you bonded for life." Squeaked the minister, and a dozen white doves burst from the end of his wand. Ginny accelerated slightly, and fell onto Harry's broom. He rolled the broom upside down, laughed, cupped her face in his hands, and kissed her. She closed her eyes, lashes brushing Harry's cheek.

He could hear Hagrid sobbing desperately, and looked down to see Hermione crying with joy into Ron's shoulder, whom was wolf whistling.

Harry felt safe, happy and warm. He had regained these things back, through her, it had always been her, and it always would be her. Always.

As he lowered her to the ground, sweeping her into his arms, and the onlookers, of whom anyone, mostly female, above the age of sixteen were crying, began to mill into the tent for dancing and dinner, did he hear a shout of terror from behind him.

He only wished he didn't turn around.


I'm sorry

But people have been criticizing and saying it was all just kissing and lovey and I needed drama and action

So here


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