Chapter Twenty Seven

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I'm done trying to name my chapters, jsyk

* Ginny's P.O.V *

I immediately yelled for Harry, but got no response. The air was heavy with smoke, stinging my eyes and ticking my nose unpleasantly with its smell.

I saw red sparks go over my shoulder, and heard a thud.

As the smoke began to clear, I could see the back of Harry's body.

He was in a fierce duel with another person.

A tall, dark haired, dark skinned person.

Dean Thomas.

"Harry!" I shouted, running up to him.

"Pectrificus totalus!" Dean shouted, a strange, mad glint in his eye that I'd never seen before. The curse missed Harry by inches.

"Dean! Stop!" I yelled, groping for my own wand.

Harry shot the Furnunculus curse, which hit Dean in the nose. Little boils popped up all over his skin.

"Impedimenta!" Dean yelled through his puffing, pus spilling lips. The curse sent blue sparks. It hit Harry's shoulder, rendering him immobile.

Before I could shout the first spell that came to mind, (the Bat-Bogey Hex) Dean hit me with a Petrifying spell.

I was paralyzed before I even hit the ground.

The smoke cleared, and I saw several stunned people, which included Cho Chang, who must've been helping Dean attack us, lying on the ground.

I wanted to yell, scream, kick, bite, but I couldn't move, couldn't talk.

Dean kneeled beside me. I still saw a lunacy in his expression. He looked possessed. He cleared the boils with his wand. I could hear my blood rushing in my head.

He pulled a small bottle out of his pocket. My heart stopped. I instantly recognized it.

I'd seen it in George's shop.

It's was a love potion.

"I've been keeping this for four months," he whispered, looking around for anyone watching. I wanted to yell for help, but I couldn't feel my lips.

"It should be strong enough."

Harry had been knocked out by the only one of Dean's cronies that was still standing. I felt the urge to punch Dean in the nose. I hated him.

He uncorked the bottle, smirked insanely, and tipped it's entire contents in my mouth.

Just as I heard him perform the countercurse to unparalyze me, and just as I began to sit up, ready to smack him, I felt a strange feeling come over me, starting from my head, and spreading like wildfire to the tips of my toes.

Hermione's P.O.V

Ron, Vanessa and I headed up the path to Madame Puddifoots, allangry at Harry and Ginny, who of course, were late to meet us, so we could all head back to the school.

"They're probably holed up in there, snogging away," Ron said grumpily, picking at a loose string in his scarf.

I privately agreed.

"Ron, can't you give them some leeway?" I asked cynically, rolling my eyes.

Vanessa stopped walking abruptly, and we both bumped into her.

"What?!" We yelled angrily, looking forward.

But then, we saw clearly, what.

In front of us was a strange scene.

Harry was lying unconscious on the ground, next to him a man I didn't know counting out a bag of galleons gleefully.

There were many other unconscious people behind them, about seven.

To the left of them, leaning on a building, which was an old, abandoned inn, were Dean and Ginny.

They were locked in a tight embrace, kissing sloppily.

Ron's jaw dropped.

Vanessa's did too.

And I'm pretty sure mine did as well.






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