Chapter Twenty-One: Just another Hogsmede visit

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* Cho's P.O.V *

Dean and I sat at the counter, in the early afternoon, occasionally serving customers, through the very un-busy day.

I had my fingers crossed that they'd come.

Dean was muttering under his breath, eyes darting to the door.

This past week, he had a fire lit under him, he was so mad, so angry. I could tell he really wanted Ginny back.

But my loneliness for Harry wasn't like an anger. It was more like a longing.

I think deep down, I knew it would never work. They were too much in love, and we were so awful, they were so happy together.

But I kept the plan going for Dean, Dean, who cried into his pillow, Dean, who sketched Ginny in his free time, Dean who really wanted her back.


* Harry's P.O.V *

I led the others into the Three Broomsticks, the familiar smell of brewing butterbeer filling my nostrils.

I, personally, had wanted to skip, but everyone else wanted to get out of the castle, and I was in no desire to be left alone.

I offered to pay the drinks, and everyone went off to find another table. I noticed Vanessa sulking in a corner, eyes puffy.

As I drummed my fingers on the counter, my ears perked up when I heard my name.

"- poor Harry! That's awful! Wait- what did she say again?!" It was Cho's voice.

"She said she still loved me, but I wasn't rich enough for her. She was tired of being poor, and wanted nice things."

"She said that to you?! Then she's using Harry!?"

"Yes, only I don't know weather to tell him or not..."

The conversation made my heart stop.

That couldn't be true.

Ginny wouldn't use me like that!

She didn't just love me for being the 'boy who lived', did she.

A hot, swooping sickness gurgled in my stomach as Cho sauntered over.

I ordered my butterbeers, and sat with everyone else, mind whirring.

What to believe?


* Ginny's P.O.V *

"Thanks Harry," I said as he handed me my tankard of butterbeer. He sat next to Ron and Hermione, leaving me alone on one side of the table.

That was how it had always been, them three, off together, me left behind.

"Harry, I don't bite," I said, smiling.

He looked at me, but there was something missing in his emerald eyes.

"Oh, yeah," he murmured, switching spots.

When I leaned my head into his shoulder, he was different somehow. Stiff.

What was up?

I hoped it wasn't the whole battle thing again.

I knew I should be comforting, but honestly, he needs to snap out of the illusion that the whole thing was his fault!

"Harry," I asked, when Ron and Hermione were immersed in their own conversation.

"What's wrong? You came back all, sad, and, stiff..."

He just shook his head.

"I'm not stiff."

"You're sad."



"Gin, nothing's wrong."

I instantly flared up.

"Stop! I can tell when something's wrong, I'm not an idiot, and if you don't tell me, I'll make you."

He hesitated, then said, as though struggling very hard to keep his voice down.

"I heard Dean telling Cho you were using me, for money." He looked away.

My insides turned to stone.

First of all, I would never do that. Even if Harry was poorer than me, even if he lived on the streets, I'd still love him. Money had nothing to do with it.

Second, how would he believe that I'd do that?! Didn't he know I wouldn't.

"Harry, that's ridiculous. You know I would never use you."

He didn't move.

"Harry! Who are you going to believe?! Me? Or Cho Chang?!"

He put his face in his hands.

"You're right. I'm an idiot."

"Yes. You are."

He didn't move, but I thought I saw him smile, just a bit.

"You're my idiot."

He wrapped me in his arms, and carried me out of the tavern, bridal style, all the way up to the castle.

On the way out, I gave a sarcastic wave and a smile to Cho Chang.

I didn't know what she did, but I vowed I'd get her back for thinking she would come between Harry and I


A/N: hmm

Was that boring?


In the next few chapters, do you want me to time skip or nahh

Almost to 2k reads omg💕

Please comment your thoughts, then I know how to improve 😊

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