Chapter Three: Common Room

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* Ron's P.O.V *

Hermione was sour looking all through dinner, and I had no idea why. I wanted to talk to her so badly, ask what was up, but Vanessa kept asking me questions, about stupid things, my house, my brothers, Hogwarts, and a lot if other things. I supposed she was just trying to find new friends at a new school, so I tried to answer as many of her questions as I could.

"So, do you play quidditch?" She asked, staring at me through her bright blue eyes. Though annoying, she was very pretty, and I shook my head. I was dating Hermione, who, in my opinion, was much prettier, in a much more real way.

"Yeah, I, Er, I played Keeper for Gryffindor last two years."

"Oh yeah," Harry chimed in, "He's an excellent keeper,"

"Harry's captain." I said nodding to him.

"Oh," she smiled warmly, "I play chaser, and I was hoping that Hogwarts had quidditch!"

"Well, you should try out," Harry told her.

"Yeah!" Ginny smiled, "I'm a chaser too! We really need some new blood in the team."

I noticed Hermione's face was beet red, and she want eating anything. I took her hand, intertwining our fingers. She looked at me, and a bit of the color drained from her face. Finally, she rested her head I my shoulder.


Professor McGonagall bid us all goodnight, and pounding footsteps were heard as everyone rushed out of the Great Hall in a frenzy. I woke Hermione, and Harry, Ginny, her and I all turned to leave, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Ron, guys, wait...I've never been here before, could you show me the way to our common room?" She was twirling her hair again, and blinking a lot. Maybe she had something stuck in her eye.

"Yeah sure" Ginny said, hand in hand with Harry. "Just follow us,"


When we got up to the common room, Hermione immediately said she was tired, and that she was going to bed. I stopped her


"Ron, I'm fine, just tired," she insisted, pulling away.

I felt like she needed something to make her feel better, she needed me to show her that I loved her. I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her lips slowly, passionately, and gently. When we pulled apart she whispered,

"I love you, goodnight,"

When I turned around, Harry and Ginny were making out in an armchair.

"OI!" I yelled.

The split apart, Ginny rolling her eyes, and Harry said he wanted to sleep too, so they both trooped up their stairways. Now it was just me and Vanessa, and a couple other scattered people.

Vanessa sat down on the nearest couch. I plopped down next to her.

"So," she said slowly, "how long have you and Hermione been dating?"

I thought this was a very stance question to ask, but I answered it anyways.

"Well, we've known eachother since first year, and we were always close friends, and I've always kinda loved her yeno'? But we didn't really start dating until ...after the war, after she kissed me, you know."

I looked down. Why the hell did Vanessa care?

"Have you guys had a fight yet?" She asked, eyes wide and innocent.

"Yeah, loads, I mean, we always argued when we were little.." I trailed off. I really didn't want to tell Vanessa how I walked out on Hermione and Harry.

I suddenly felt her pinky ontop of mine. I tried hard not to move it away, not wanting to be rude, she was new after all, but she then moved her whole hand over mine, and tried to intertwine our fingers together.

As though I had an electrical shock, I pulled my arms up, and passed it off as a yawn.

"I-'s getting late, I think I'm going to turn in too." I got up and left quickly, leaving Vanessa looking extremely pouty.


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