Chapter Sixty Three

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Ron played with Hermione's hair as he listened to the live broadcast of the National Quidditch Cup via radio broadcast, wincing or pumping his fist every once in awhile. Rose sat in Hermione's lap, making her sprite dolls chase eachother up and down her mother's arms. The little family was basking in the glow of the spring afternoon sunset through their living room windows.

"You have such pretty hair," Ron murmured over an advertisment for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. George's shop was getting more and more popular by the day; sales hadn't gone down even a knut since they'd first opened. Hermione made a face, then grinned.

"Rosie has pretty hair too," She twisted her daughter's thick, wavy red locks in a knot at the top of her head, then let it fall back down her shoulders in waterfalls. Rose squirmed all the while.

"Yeah, she's got Weasley hair. It's kind of a shame, I was hoping she'd be a mini you."

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"No. Weasley hair is much prettier on Rosie. And you're blue eyes, Ron, her's are just like them."

Rose blinked her ocean blue eyes and smiled a crooked, toothy smile.

"Oh, no, I think your eyes are prettier," Ron had a hint of tease in his voice. Hermione made a face that clearly said she disagreed.

"Mommy, what's wrong with your eyes?" Rose asked, perching a blue sprite on top of her mother's shoulder.

Hermione shrugged. "Brown eyes are boring, I guess."

"Oh, no, not mommy's eyes , right Rosie?" Ron took his daughter from Hermione's lap and into his own. "Mommy's eyes are beautiful." He paused to look at them. "They're not even brown. In this light, they're more of a...copper, with golden crisscrosses, or whatever those things are on top."

"Like honey!" Rose said, squirming and twisting around.

"And when it's dark out," Ron smirked at Hermione, cocking his head. "They're so deep and endless you get swallowed up in them, lost forever. So, no, your eyes aren't boring."

Hermione looked away to wipe a tear, then kissed her husband softly, at first, then-

"Ew," Rose said pointedly, sticking out her tongue.

"Oh yes," Hermione laughed, half sarcastically. "I forgot that Rose doesn't like kissing,"

"No way," She got up in a hurry, knocking over the radio off the coffee table, cutting off the commentator's voice. Ron had just re-interested himself in the game.

"Ugh, Rose..." As he bent to pick it up however, he paused to listen to the song that was playing from the new channel. It was an old, old song, with an upbeat tempo. He was about to change it, because it was a muggle station, but stopped when Hermione spoke.

"Ooh, my mother used to love this song..." and she began to sing along, softly at first, so you could barely hear her.

"Hey, where did we go,

days when the rains came,

down in the hollow,

playin' a new game,"

Rosie mouthed along with her mother, pretending that she knew the words, which made Ron smile at the pair of them.

"Laughing and a running, hey, hey,

skipping and a jumping,

in the misty fog with you,

our hearts a thumpin' and you,"

Hermione wrapped Rose up in her arms, swaying back and forth, which, for some reason, sent Rose into a fit of giggles.

Ron picked Rose up and began to twirl her around.

"My brown eyed girl,

You're my brown eyed girl,"

The music kept on playing as Ron pulled Hermione up from the couch, forcing her to crack a smile. Rose was giggling, face red, hair flying, eyes bright, as Ron spun around and around, taking Hermione by the shoulders and bringing her around and around with them.

"Hiding behind a rainbow's wall,

slipping and sliding,

all along the waterfall, with you.

my brown eyed girl.

You, my brown eyed girl."

Their living room became a blur, and the only thing that they could see clearly were eachother's faces, right up close. Hermione was leaning against Ron, staring up at him, and Ron down at her into her golden eyes. Rose had climbed up high onto her father's back by now, her tiny hands clinging to his neck.

"Do you remember when we used to sing?

sha la la la la la

sha la la la la la la lala

with you,

my brown eyed girl,

you, my brown eyed girl."

Rose was slipping, screeching with half joy, half panic, and Ron slowed, bringing her down and back into his arms.

"With you,

my brown eyed girl.

you, my brown eyed girl."

They fell back onto the couch, pulling Hermione with them. As the last bars of the song played, Ron fiddled with the dials unil he was back on the quidditch station.

"And that's the game, Tornados bead the Wasps 450 to 270! What a catch by Smithers!" The commentator was saying, as the faint sound of a cheering, crowd could be heard in the background.

"Damn, I missed it!" Ron said angrily, shaking his head. Hermione, breathless a little still, rolled her eyes huffily,

"Oh," Ron grinned, seeing this. "It was worth it."


"Mother, I've already gotten loads of letters from Teddy." Victorie informed her mother, and the rest of the family, at the dinner table.

"Iz 'e enjoying himself?" Fleur asked pleasntly, passing Louis the potatoes.

"Yeah," Victorie said, for some reason seeming a bit put out by this. "but I can't wait until I goto Hogwarts!"

Fleur swallowed her chicken, shaking her head, her long sheet of silvery blonde hair shaking with it.

"Oh, no, my children are not going to 'ogwarts. You're going to Beauxbatons."

Bill looked up, suprised, from his plate. He also seemed a little angry.

"Fleur, we never agreed to that, it was just something that you wanted."

"I also want my children to get the best education possible," She shrugged, very passively-aggressively.

"Hogwarts is a very good school Fleur, I don't know why you don't see that-"

"It is open for discussion, Bill, just not at the dinner table. That is most improper." She ave her huband a scalding look, sharp and beady eyed, and he was quiet, knowing that it was in his est interests to keep quiet for now.

"Eat your food Domonique, you 'aven't touched a thing, and for goodness sakes, sit like a lady!"


Short little chapter because I'm on my computer. I got my phone taken away because...of...stuff...and idk when I'm getting it back lol.

I've never updated on the computer until now and its v confusing and idk how it looks on peoples phones and that bugs me lol.

hope you are all doing good xoxo

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