Chapter Fifty Five

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Weeks passed, and it took Harry and Ginny a lot of time to master being parents. More often than a few times, Harry had wrapped James in the invisibility cloak for a nap, because he was too lazy to get a blanket, and an hour later, had lost his son in the fray of the house, and had often walked away from the matter with his face covered in bogeys, due to the wrath of his wife.

Ginny was flourishing with her new job as a daily prophet writer, mostly on her reports with keeping up with the World Cup. Often, her and Harry would take Teddy and James to the games, the boys watching intently as Ginny scribbled down every detail. Teddy loved it. He told Harry at least twenty times a day that he wanted to be a professional quidditch player.

James showed early signs of magic, as early as when he was eight months old. Sweets that Ginny had locked away in the kitchen mysteriously found themselves at the foot of James's crib, and in the middle of the night, Harry would wake to hear little baby giggling, and found James outside in the center of a gaggle of bunnies and other animals, and Harry would have to run out in his boxers to get him, while their batty old neighbor glared at him through her window.

In the two years that passed after James had been born, the little boy grew to be even more rambunctious than Teddy, which was saying something. Though James destroyed everything in his path, like a tiny, whirling tornado, he was positively adorable. He had thick, messy black hair, like his father's, huge, bulbous hazel eyes, and the cutest laugh, accompanied by a squeal. Hermione couldn't stop coming over every other day and holding him, while Ron clicked his tounge impatiently at the door.

Hermione and Ron had tried for a child, but failed on many occasions. Hermione of course, was devastated, but deep down, Ron was relieved. He felt an anxiety, running through his very veins , that he would be a terrible father.

Harry and Ginny weren't the only two with a new baby. Bill and Fleur had yet another baby, a son, who Fleur names Louis. She fought Bill hard for the name. He had wanted Arthur, but she stamped on that one.

"Eet is a dizgusting name. Like an old man, please Bill."

Their daughters, Victorie and Domonique, were growing farther apart as children. Their house was often filled with squabbles, starting early in the morning and going on late into the night, which often ended with Victorie having bite marks on her arms and neck, and Dominique with a huge chunk of her vivid hair.

Victorie grew older with grace, just like her mother, forever dainty and polite around strangers, her hair shiny and soft. Teddy always teased that he was going to cut it someday, in which Victorie would run for her mother.

Dominique was too, a very beautiful child. Granted, she was scrawnier and skinner than her sister, a little more wild, admittedly rude, but her eyes were the deepest blue, buzzing with energy, her hair more exotic and interesting than anyone on the planet.

Their little brother, Louis, was more like Victorie, even as a baby. He had the same white-blonde hair, was reserved and quiet. Dominique began to feel very alone as a child, her sister telling her daily, twice daily sometimes, that she hated her, and her mother scolding her poor manners and posture. She couldn't help that she wasn't as obedient as her sister, or as calm and collected. Only her father seemed to understand her, often telling Fleur to "leave the poor girl be."

George and Angelina also had their first baby. It was Angelina who named him, almost the instant that she found out she was pregnant. It had been quite a shock for George.

"Hun," Angelina had almost tackled him the moment he stepped foot into the newly renovated flat above the "Weasley's Wizard Wheezes".

"Geez, one minute," George laughed as he went into the bedroom to change out of his maroon work robes.

"George, I don't think it can really wait." She called, opening the door as her husband threw a plain old tshirt over his head.

"What?" He asked, sinking on the bed, looking into her eyes and fearing the worst.

"I'm pregnant." The words burst out of her, and she bounced up and down on her heels. "And we're naming him Fred. Fred Weasley the Second."

A wave of emotion washed along George's face. Angelina bit her lip, waiting for him to react.

He burst out crying, for the first time in a long time, and pulled her into a long hug, stroking her dark curly hair.

"That's great. Thank you." He managed to sob into his wife's shoulder. She closed her eyes and smiled, rubbing his back, until they both fell asleep.
* * * * * * * * * *

Sorry for the long wait and shortish chapter 😔 but seriously thank you so much to everyone who still reads this.

I've just lost a lot of my usual readers, ones who always commented and voted and left me messages, lost a lot of my online friends that I met through this story and I have no idea why. And, I'm getting tons of hate. Thanks for still supporting me, the ones who still do❤️

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