Chapter Twenty Four: Flashbacks

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*Vanessa's P.O.V*

The shouting began, almost the moment that the front door slammed, announcing my dad's arrival home.

I began to cry. I hated their shouting.

But I knew better than to go to Celeste, my older sister, for comfort. She would just say that that was life, and to stop being a baby. I consented myself with rocking back and forth, ears plugged.

It did not block the sound.

I heard a loud crash, like the sound of breaking plates, and a cry of pain.

I flew downstairs, my little arms pumping quickly to see what had happened. I was surprised to find Celeste right behind me.

Mom was kneeling on the kitchen floor, glass pieces around her and in her hair, cheeks stained with tears.

"What did you do?!" Celeste screamed, eyes wide. I didn't know why she was crying, she never seemed to like mom much.

"You're evil! Stop hurting her! You do it all the t-"

Dad's palm came in contact with the side of Celeste's head.

She began to cry.

I did too. My dad shoved me back into the door, the handle shoving into the small of my back.

Mom tried to get up, but dad shot some sparks at her. Celeste screamed and ran out of the room.

"To hell with you all!" Dad screamed, throwing another plate at the tile ground. It shattered. I covered my ears.

"I've had enough!"

He snatched a bag full of galleons off the counter, then slammed the door.

He didn't even say goodbye.

Not that it mattered, because he never did when he left.

But it was different this time.

This time he wasn't coming back.


I bent my head morosely over my breakfast, picking at the porridge, now cold.

A tawny owl fluttered in the window.

Mom untied the letter attached to its leg, and it took off. I watched it go, wishing it would take me with.

Moms eyes began to fill with tears as she read the letter.

She went to her room, hand over her mouth.

I looked at the letter, then turned sideways towards Celeste.

"What does it say?"

She kept eating, not even sparing me a look.

"What. Does. It. Say." I said again, pausing after each word.

She rolled her eyes and read aloud.

"Please read forms carefully and sign for official divorce."

Without explanation, she turned back to her food.

"What does that mean?"

"Figure it out."

Then she stalked away, off to eat her porridge in her own room.


I sat by the window, which was so dusty it was in need of twelve cleanings.

I was trying to read, but I couldn't focus.

Always- a Hinny / Romione fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz