07. C

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9 August, 1998

Patient Anastasia Brown

I talked to my Aunt and Uncle for the first time today. I made them dinner, and their favorite dessert. We didn't have long conversations like we used to, but it was nice just being there. I spoke to them about moving out. They said it was my decision and I'd always be welcomed into their home. I knew I'd always be able to come back, but it didn't feel like my home anymore. After I finish writing, I have a meeting with the home owners, wish me luck.

I'm glad you've decided to open the shop back up. You're thinking about everything that can go wrong, but maybe you should start looking at everything that could go right. The shop can bring back a piece of the brother you lost. It could help you knowing that Fred would have wanted this, Fred would want to see his twin smiling like they used to. I think he would also like if you gave me discounts, hundred percent off the whole store.

It has began do get colder now that fall has begun, tell your mother I can't wait for my jumper.

This used to be my favorite time of year. Receiving my letter from Hogwarts, and shopping for the new year. Seeing the streets filled with bright faces, and young wizards and witches excited to be sorted into a house with new friends. I didn't believe Hogwarts would open up this year, but apparently they are. Then again I'm not surprised they manage to build the castle on time. Hogwarts will always be my home, but I know deep down I could never step foot into the castle again. To many memories to handle, even the good ones would hurt me.

I saw Hermione Granger today, at this point I will meet everyone in your household besides you. I'm not sure how she recognized me, it has been five years since we had a real conversation.

She walked into the The Three Broomsticks to order some butterbeers, I noticed her when she walked in but decided not to say anything. She soon spotted me at the corner booth and came my way. We made small talk about how life was going, she even told me some things about you. I didn't know each time you received my letters you'd smile, don't worry I do too.

Movies or books? Not to fit the Ravenclaw stereotype, but the books will always be better. Books provide you with that feel you could never receive through a screen.

My question for you George is, besides my letters of course, what helps you wake up every morning?

Until next time

Sincerely Anastasia

12 August, 1998

Patient George Weasley

I'm writing this letter before I head to the shop for the first time in four months. I was going to write it after, but I need something to ease my nerves. I think I might blow up, my body is filled with goosebumps. I keep telling myself I can do this, but the other part of me repeatedly asks if I can. Ginny comes into my room every five minutes to see if I've ran away. I'm surprised I haven't.

I spoke with Hermione today. She had 'forgotten' to inform me that she spoke to you on her trip to Hogsmeade. I also agree with you, you probably will meet everyone before me. Just our luck.

Am I an idiot for thinking I could actually do this? I might be, but I can't back out now. We aren't opening the shop, but we are going to restock and organize. I got a letter from Rita Skeeter asking if she could write an article, thankfully Ginny and Hermione wrote back a 'nice' letter declining the offer. She'd probably write the ghost of Fred in my eyes' like she had done with Harry.

I spoke to my management and I think we could workout the discount, just don't tell Ron.

Ginny just came in telling me we had to leave in ten minutes, now I am having a panic attack. I'm going to answer your question to prevent me from running away because it sounds very tempting.

What helps me wake up in the morning? I was going to say your letters, but it seems like that isn't an option. I would say my family. Knowing I have people to wake up to each morning with a hug, people who know me more than I know myself. Even though the one I loved most is gone, I have many more to love.

I was going to write more, but Ginny is basically dragging me out of my room. My question for you is name one person who has helped you through all this madness.

Until next time Anastasia

Sincerely George

p.s I actually went inside the shop

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