05. P

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28 July, 1998

Patient Anastasia Brown

I knew you loved talking to me. Although it hurts to write these letter, my fingers are about to fall off from all calluses I am receiving. I do enjoy talking to you as well. You will never hear me give another compliment, so take it in. My therapist said I should write at least one letter without talking about her, but I am not a big fan of my therapist so I am not going to listen.

I miss her a lot. Yesterday was her birthday. I was debating on writing this note or not, do you cry writing these letters or just me? We'd always go to honeydukes on her birthday and stuff our faces with anything and everything that had chocolate. I did something I'd never thought I do. I went and bought four chocolate frogs, her favorite. I sat in her bed and talked. I'd like to think she was listening to the conversation. It was all thanks to you. Since you even considered opening the shop back up I decided I could stuff my face with chocolate while crying.

I've always wondered what it would be like to have a big family. I don't think I'd enjoy it, I get annoyed easily. Then again I have never experienced it, so I am not one to judge. Also you seem to complain about them, but I know you secretly love it.

I take it back I do want a big family, I rather it be loud in this household instead of the dead silence I live in. I haven't talked to my aunt and uncle in a month, they've been drowning themselves in work. I don't blame them, they lost their pride and joy. My cousin was close to her mother and father, anyone could see that.

I've been thinking about moving out. I am not sure where, but I can't live here anymore. The constant reminder of her, and the sadness of her parents I can't deal with it anymore. There is a couple small apartments near Hogsmeade that I've been looking into. Nothing grand, but I've had some money saved up from my parents' will.

I find it amusing that your father was the kind man. It must be in the Weasley blood, that and the ginger hair. Except Ron, I haven't justified him as nice. I also have never met your mother, but I am convinced I would love her. The fact that she'd go above and beyond for her kids is amazing. Tell her she has brought my third genuine smile. I can't believe the three people who have brought me to smile are all related. Your father by helping me, your mother for just being your mother, and you because well I'm not quite sure yet.

My favorite year at Hogwarts? It was probably my fourth year. Nothing extraordinary happened, but it was a normal year. Well as normal as it could have been. Sirius Black is nothing compared to the dangers we faced beforehand. I always knew deep down he wasn't the man the daily prophet spoke he was. It was just a gut feeling, you know?

My question is a tab bit weird, but I'd like to know one interesting fact about each person you live with.

Until next time Weasley

Sincerely Scarlet.

31 July, 1998

Patient George Weasley

I need to start hiding my mail when it gets here. Ginny told my mom about your idea about the shop, and ever since my mom has been trying to snoop. She managed to grab your recent letter. I managed to grab it before she could read all of it, but she did skim over the part where you thanked her. Moral of the story she cried for an hour saying you were officially a Weasley. We all stared at her for awhile until we gave up and went our separate ways.

The good news is that everyone in the household has agreed to respect my privacy. Well except Ginny, I have to keep an eye out for that one. I found her and Harry snogging when Ron wasn't around, so hopefully I can use that against her.

I went to Fred's grave last night for the first time. It hurt seeing his name on it along with the words 'beloved twin'. I didn't want to go, but my family forced me. They thought by facing it, I could move on. I don't think I will ever move on, but just speaking to him made me feel better. When you said you laid in bed and talked to her, I was relieved that I wasn't the only one. They might not be there, but it feels as if they are.

I found Ginny crying the other day. I felt as if my heart broke all over again. Growing up she was always independent and strong minded, she never let anyone tell her what she could or couldn't do. Although I think that's why she is being affected. She's not use to relying on other, and she won't ask for help. I think we are the same, that's why I get her. We made a promise to each other that we could make it through all this. Hopefully I can live up to the promise.

An interesting fact about everyone who I live with? You weren't specific, but I'll do who lives at the Burrow currently.

Arthur Weasley- Was in a rock band in the late 60's

Molly Weasley- Has an obsession with knitting sweaters

Bill Weasley- Thinks that the scar on his face is a personality trait

Charlie Weasley- Single, because he'll never love anything more than dragons

Percy Weasley- Also thought being head boy was a personality trait

Ron Weasley- Thinks he's a bigshot

Ginny Weasley- I won't say it to her face, but the best quidditch player in our family

Harry Potter- Has a collection of empty chocolate frog boxes

Hermione Granger- Managed to snag men like Victor Krum, but chose a boy like Ron

George Weasley- The most awesomeness person in the house

That is about it, never tell them I told you all this. Since we are on the topic of facts, my question for you is list five facts about yourself.

Until next time Scarlet.

p.s my mother wants to know your real name for a sweater.

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