the end

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September 15, 2015

Dear Lavender,

It's me Anastasia. You'll never read this letter, but it helps me regain memory of you. I'd also like to tell you about my life.

I became Head Coach for the Holyhead Harpies ten years ago. We managed to win three world cups during the span, but I think my days of coaching are coming to an end. I think it's time to start a new chapter in my life with my family.

Yes, you heard that right my family. George and I got married back in 2003, and I gave birth to my first child in 2004. His name is Elijah Fred Weasley named in memory of George's twin. On the topic of twins in 2006 I gave birth to two little trouble makers. Lavender Mae Weasley and Diana Molly Weasley have made me grow grey hairs since the day they were born.

They are the female version of Fred and George Weasley, I soon understood what Molly had to endure raising them. While they might be trouble my young Elijah is an angel. It is his first year at Hogwarts with his cousin James. It hurt me having too see him leave on the train two weeks ago, but he has promised to write about his adventures at Hogwarts. Hopefully James and him aren't like Harry and Ron, that's the last thing I need.

George and Ron (don't worry I am mean to him on some occasions on your behalf) are still running the joke shop. Last year we had a huge family vacation to America to open their first location in New York City.

I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me laughing about something silly the twins did. I know you're watching over all of us, tell Fred I say hello.

You're always in my heart Lavender Brown, and not one day goes by where I don't think of you.

Love always, Anastasia.

"Hey what are you writing there?" George questioned as he walked into the house.

"Hey Dad." The twins said in sync as they made their way down the stairs to greet their father.

"I know what I am going to do in the next chapter of my life." I said standing up from my chair and making my way towards my beloved husband.

"Whatever you decided we will do it together, I am by your side no matter what." He replied placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"I was going to do it either way George." I replied sarcastically.

"Way too ruin the moment." He grumbled causing me to let out a laugh.

"George I wouldn't be where I am without you." I stated pulling him back towards me for a hug.

"And I wouldn't be anything without you Anastasia." He replied pulling me in for a slow kiss.

Unfortunately we were interrupted by the chorus of 'Ews' coming from the other side of the kitchen

The Daily Prophet

24 January, 2016

Anastasia Brown has become the Wizarding World's newest successful author. Her novel sold out hundreds of thousands copies all over the Wizarding World.

Read the letter entries between Scarlet and Grant as they help each other through the dark days that followed the Second Wizarding War. Don't forget to pick up a copy of 'The Scarlet Letters' in your nearest bookstore today!



if you have made it this far thank you for reading my book! if you liked my work i am currently working on a james sirius potter fanfiction called "The Heir", i hope you give it a chance!

letters are something i've never done before, but when i got the idea i knew i had to do it. thank you for all your love and support and follow me to receive a notification if i ever add bonus chapters on Elijah, Lavender, or Diana's life!

take care and don't forget to hydrate and eat, love you all so much!

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