03. E

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4 July, 1998

Patient Anastasia Brown

Hello George! Sorry if my reply is late, I'm not in Europe at the moment. My Uncle and Aunt thought it was best if I took a 'vacation'. I've always wanted to come to America. Ever since I was twelve and saw New York on a magazine, I knew I had to go. Although I've cried myself to sleep every night since she isn't enjoying this with me.

The Americans know how to party. Apparently today is the day they received independence. I haven't learned full details about it, but a friend I made here told me to where red, white, and blue. Muggles can be weird, but they are fun to be around.

We are going to see fireworks tonight, it's supposed to be beautiful. They light up the sky while everyone cheers and parties around the big apple. That's New York's nickname by the way.

I keep thinking back to the prank you pulled on Professor Umbridge, the fire eating dragon made my year. She was a pain in the arse. Also that huge 'W' was a nice touch, I must say you left with a bang. You were the talk of the school for weeks.

I am glad you liked the movie, and your mother sounds like a lovely lady.

Hellloo Georgee!! It is now two in the morning, I was going to end my letter there, but I wanted to tell you I wish I could go to neverland. My new friends taught me about neverland, it sounds much better than the world we are in right now. They never grow up and just stay young forever.

I ranted to my new friends about my cousin's death, of course I left the part out where we were wizards and witches. They tried cheering me up by saying I gained a guardian angel, but that made me cry even more. I realized no matter how much time I spent with her, or how much I told her I loved her it will never be enough.

It's nice talking to strangers, they don't know you therefore they can't judge you. I think that's why I enjoy writing to you. You are the only person who hasn't forced me to be happy, you just talk. I think that's all I need at the moment. Someone to talk to, someone who is going through the same thing. Who knows maybe one day we'll get through this.

How many hours do I sleep? Not enough if I am being honest. I told my therapist I slept peacefully every night, so lets hope she doesn't read these. My brain physically won't let me sleep. My therapist once offered pills if I was lacking sleep, but I wanted the pain. I feel as I deserve it. She's dead I shouldn't be sleeping peacefully, especially when it was my fault. I think I sleep two hours a night if I am lucky. The rest is just me crying or drowning my self in butterbeer. Butterbeer isn't huge in America, I've been drinking tequila which has a much greater affect. The sting in the back of my throat feels nice. My friends have to sneak me some because you have to be twenty-one, ridiculous if you ask me.

I feel like going to get lost in the city, so I am going to end the letter. Don't worry I didn't forget your question. What color are you dying your hair next?

Until next time aqua man.

Sincerely Scarlet.

p.s I am very fond of the color pink

12 July, 1998

Patient George Weasley

Seems like you enjoyed your visit. I hope you smiled or even let out a chuckle. I've smiled once, it was when I read that I hit you with bludger, my mom cried all day when she saw me.

My younger brother and sister forced me out of the house yesterday. They stated that I needed fresh air and butterbeer. We stopped at The Three Broomsticks, and Ginny wanted some sweets from honeydukes. I saw our shop when I was there. It looked sad, what used to be filled with laughter and brightness, was now dusty and dull.

Ron tried to convince me to going inside, but I punched him when he tried to drag me. I know that may seem extreme, but it was in the heat of the moment. I bet you aren't mad though since you aren't fond of him. I guess something happened at Hogwarts?

I've never been to America, Fred and I used to talk about how we'd expand our franchise to the wizarding world in the Americas, but that day ceased to exist.

Do you ever wonder where'd you be if they were still here? I think the hardest part about losing someone you love is the questions you ask yourself, but never get the answers too. I could write a whole novel with questions I ask to myself daily.

Hermione has been asking about you. She constantly nags that she wants to know why you said thank you. She's a bit hot headed, and must know the answer to everything. She yelled at me yesterday saying I was lying that I didn't know your real name. It isn't my fault you decided to be a mystery. Although if you'd like to tell me why you're thankful, it would save me a scary Hermione Granger.

What color am I dying my hair next? Well since you're are so fond of pink I might dye my hair that color. I was thinking a bright pink, what do you think? Then again I'll look good in any color.

My question for you Scarlet is have you ever broken a law? You don't seem like such a trouble maker, now that I think about it I don't know any Ravenclaw who has.

Until next time Scarlet

Sincerely George

p.s I now sport bright pink hair

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