01. U

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5 June, 1998

Patient Anastasia Brown

I can't believe I'm doing this, but I guess I am. According to my therapist you lost some important to you as well. It sucks doesn't it? It feels as if all the brightness in your world had been sucked out. Merlin I miss her.

Sorry for sounding depressed, then again that's why we are here. Anyways you've been assigned as my 'pen pal' congratulations. I'm pretty amazing, but not lately. I have an excuse. I am supposed to introduce myself, but that sucks some fun out of it don't you think? So for now you can call me Scarlet.

You're probably thinking, why Scarlet? Well to answer your question one of my favorite books is 'The Scarlet Letter' by a muggle author named Nathaniel Hawthorne. A Scarlet Letter is something that will follow you for the rest of your life, a regret you'll never be able to live down. Mine is not being there for her, even when she was there for me. Not just in the battlefield, but in life as well.

Ironic don't you think? You don't realize what you have until you have completely lost it. My parent's death hurt, but then again they didn't care for me as much as I hope they did. Her on the other hand made up for both of their hearts.

I am supposed to be talking about myself, but I can't bring myself to do so. It feels... wrong. She should be where I am, she had a whole life ahead. She was a bright student and had her life planned out. I've been out of Hogwarts for about two years now, and still don't know what I want.

You ever wish you could switch? Let them enjoy the life they deserve? I would in a heartbeat.

What hurt most was going up to my aunt and uncle without Lavender. When we first found out the new I quickly apparated to Hogwarts, but before I did I promised I would bring their loving daughter back healthy. I lied. I didn't bring her back. I couldn't even go to her funeral knowing it was my fault she was dead.

All my fault.

I'm reading over this realizing I did nothing to cheer you up, which was the whole point of these letters. I wish I could do better, but I can't seem to do anything correctly now a days. Although I don't know much, actually nothing about you, I know we are going through the same thing. Hopefully we can try to bring a little happiness towards each other's lives.

We are also supposed to ask one final question at the end of our letters. My question is what was your favorite moment with the person you lost? Don't think of the negative, think of all the wonderful and amazing adventures you had. Maybe I should start taking my own advice?

Until next week mystery boy, hope to find your letter soon.

Sincerely Scarlet.

10 June, 1998

Patient George Weasley

I'm going to be honest with you, I didn't want to do these letters. I tried so many ways to get out of this 'pen pal' arrangement, but my mother is already going through so much the last thing she needs is my sorry arse causing trouble. On the bright side I liked your letter. You're honest, not many people seem to be that lately. All they do is send me worriedly glances wondering when I am going to break. I don't blame them I've been wondering the same thing.

My twin was more than a brother to me, he was my other half. We were inseparable growing up. When he died a piece of me went along with him, a piece I'll never be able to have back. I don't blame you for sounding depressed by the way. I doubt I'll be able to bring you cheer, which is ironic since that's what I loved to do growing up.

I find it quite amusing that you don't want to share your name. I on the other hand will gladly tell you my name considering you might know me since we went to Hogwarts around the same time. Seems as if I am only one year ahead.

My name is George Weasley, I'm sure you heard of Fred and I causing trouble mischief around the school with our genius pranks and items. Who knows maybe you've even bought from us? We opened up our own store, but I haven't been able to go back to restart business. We worked so hard for that shop, it was our dream. It feels wrong being the only on to outlive it. My younger brother has offered to help, but I will probably just end up selling it.

I would trade Fred and I's fate in a heartbeat. He was going to propose to Angelina after the war, he managed to save enough money to buy them a cottage out in the fields. He talked non-stop about starting a family, he wanted a huge one just like the one we had growing up. It pains me he'll never accomplish that.

When I fall asleep at night I picture Fred. It has been a month since the war, and I still haven't had one peaceful night, I probably won't for a while. I picture him laughing during his laugh moments. Ironic isn't it? Dying doing the one thing you loved most.

My favorite memory with Fred? There are to many to count, but the one that stood out the most was the night before we pulled our biggest prank and dropping out of Hogwarts. We spent the night singing against the fire place while drinking some firewhiskey we had hidden. We talked about our future and how'd we raise our kids together.

It's simple, but by far my favorite. Little did we know we'd never get to accomplish those dreams.

Finally my question for you is what was your favorite muggle movie to watch with the person you lost?

Until next time Scarlet.

Sincerely George Weasley.

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