3 - It's Now or Never

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Days became weeks and weeks became months since I’ve known Lisa. I have no doubt that now I really fell in love with her no matter who she was previously. It’s true when they said love is blind because I am. I am blind for not be able to meet her earlier and I am blind not to ask her to be my girl as soon as possible. It has been 6 months since I and Jisoo knows Chaeng and Lisa. Chaeng now always clings to Jisoo and my sister really likes it just they don’t declare anything. It’s like friends first.

There are lot mystery things about both of them but Jisoo knows Chaeng is an orphan and she got into the university because of Lisa’s money. She said Lisa helped her a lot because she got the money but Lisa is still mysterious. We still do not know about their conversation they had that night together. I am keen to find out who is Lisa.

              Our classes sometimes are the same but some are not so whenever we have the same class, the four of us will go together. Lisa and Chaeng also always hang out with us on the weekend at the dorm watching movies. Chaeng of course will sit near Jisoo but Lisa will sit a bit far from me. I am sad but she flinched easily and I can see how Chaeng will make apologetic face at me. It is not both of their faults really. Sometimes I just need to convince Lisa that I am trust worthy and she can trust me with her stories. I will never give up. I will keep holding on to make sure she will be mine one day.

We are currently in the library and we usually study together as we got the same Major. Chaeng is interested to become a model and Lisa is more to photography. I and Jisoo will take over our dad’s entertainment company and I planned to open an art gallery after knowing Lisa loves photography. I want to do everything for her. A month ago I talked to my father and he agreed about it. Both my parents wanted to know who the special girl that came into Jisoo’s and my life but we keep it a secret as of yet.

“Lisa, are you okay with the subject? Just tell me and I can guide you okay?” I looked at Lisa with full of love because I know she needs it. I know she likes it but her fear always block her feelings for me. I might need to ask her of what happen really so I can understand her better.

“Okay Nini.. I am okay..” She replied with a smile and I got shocked at her because no one called me NIni. Is this a special name for me? My heart beats trillion times as usual and I wonder why I am still alive.

“Nini? Is that a special name for me?” I smiled lovingly at her and she nods shyly.

“I like it…. Can I call you Lili now?” She nods again shyly. Oh my heart! Lisa is making me swoon all over her again and again. Surprisingly Lisa loves my attention, just she always flinch when I try to touch her arm or hold her hands. She is only okay with Chaeng at the moment. I also observed that whenever boys try to disturb her, she can be really scared and even hide behind Chaeng or me. She will shiver every single time making me more interested to know her. She is getting used to me now just I know I need to work hard in order to gain her attention.

I actually got a surprise cake for her that I bake on the baking class. I know how she really loves Chocolate and I decided to bake her chocolate cake. At the same time, I wanted to invite her and Chaeng to join baking class because it is fun. Even Jisoo joined it because it releases the study stress. I might introduce her to more of my friends at the same time.

“Lili, after this, can you follow me to my dorm? I got something I want to give you” She looked hesitant at first but then she saw Chaeng nod her head making her nod her head. I’m glad she trusts me.

“Lili, trust me okay that I will never do anything out of your consent. I did this special thing because I know you are going to like it.” Lisa nods slowly and continues her work.

Keep Holding On (Jenlisa) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now