9 - Searching For A missing person

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We searched for Lisa the whole night and still no progress in knowing where she goes. I was worried sick and I did not even sleep the whole night. Jisoo stayed up with me and Chaeng was sleeping because she cried the whole night. She felt guilty for not forcing Lisa to go with her and Jisoo.

"Where can she be Unnie?" My tears start to drop because I know something bad might have happened to her. Lisa was never a person who never update me with her whereabouts.

"We will find her Jen, we will.. Please be strong ok?" Jisoo is comforting me even though she is shaking too at the moment. We have called Dad and Eomma last night telling them what happened. Both of them are super worried and coming down to Seoul to check on me.

At the moment, I'm a crying mess. I don't want to cry at first but I can bear knowing Lisa will not be with me today. I am proposing to her and she is not with me. I am so weak because she is my strength. Never in my life, I'm feeling this week but Lisa seems to be everything to me.

"I cannot bear losing her Unnie. We need to find her. My Lisa is everything to me Unnie... I am proposing today... We should surprise her today remember? But she surprised me first... I know Lisa will not leave me without any notice. I know someone might have found her. This must be Eric!" My heart tells me that Lisa is in trouble but I need to know who did it. After about an hour, our parents reached our dorm and Eomma hugged me tightly.

"Don't cry Jennie, you must be strong for Lisa remember?" Eomma reminds me and I nod.

"Jen, I have called Bam and he will arrive here in a minute. Please stay strong my daughter. I will make sure to find the culprit and make them pay for making my daughter sad." I nod and tried my best to smile at my dad. He hugged me tightly making me cry on his shoulder.

"Shhh don't cry, my baby. I will try everything I can to find Lisa ok?" I nod on my dad's shoulder still crying. After about 10 minutes of crying my heart out, I saw Bam and Jimin came in. My dad is an influential person in the industry hence that is why they can all come into our dorm. Our dorms are also kind of far from other students.

"When was the last time you heard from Lisa?" Jimin asked and I told them everything I know.

"Bam, let's go to the vending machine. Maybe we can find a trace or any security camera we can ask?" Bam nod and they went out to check on the location. I followed them just to know the updates.

"We have security cameras from this pathway from the dorm but there is none here near the vending machine. We might be able to see where Lisa headed from here." Bam said to Jimin and they went check near the vending machine.

"Did you see what I see Bam?" Jimin showed something that I did not see the whole night. Bam went near and he nods.

"Someone is struggling here. The shoe track is showing like someone is struggling and see this track of shoes? It is different from the other one. Lisa might be in trouble. Let's go and get the security cameras video" Jimin told Bam and they both went to the security office followed by me and my dad. The securities let them see the videos and I saw my lovely Lisa walking skipping to the vending machine pathway but the camera did not reach the vending machine. Somehow the kidnapper knows this building so well.

"You see Bam, the kidnapper knows the vending machine area does not have any cameras. Who is the kidnapper?! Can we take a look at all videos here to see if we saw anyone mischievous here?" The guard let us with the video. All of us are watching to see if there is any weird thing when Bam suddenly calls all of us.

"See, this person is really weird. First of all, this is a girl's dorm, how can he wanders here but he is slicked, he knows where to walk where the guards cannot see him. He is wearing a hoodie, a black hoodie, and kind of tall. I think this is the kidnapper and we need to find him as soon as possible." Bam told Jimin and he nods. We all went out of the security room and currently at the parking now. Jisoo brought Chaeng back home because she is still sad about not knowing where Lisa is at. Eomma followed them to soothed down Chaeng because she knows how Chaeng cares for Lisa.

"We will get the police report ready and will get someone to check on this issue as soon as possible. Have strong faith, Jen, I hope we can find Lisa" Jimin told me making my tears drop again.

"Make sure to do all you can boys. I am putting my faith in you guys to never stop until we find Lisa." My dad told both of them and they both nod.

"We will Mr. Kim, I will contact whoever I can to check on this and make sure we at least find something," Bam told my dad and they both bid farewell.

"Let's go back Jen, you need rest and we will do our best until Lisa is found ok?" I nod and my tears dropped again because I have no idea how to sleep without Lisa by my side.

We reached home in Busan after 2 and a half hours and Eomma brought me straight to my room. She managed to get ready my bathtub and get me to go inside dipping my whole body in the warm water. Eomma rubs my skin slowly and I just don't have the energy for it. My Lisa is gone, there is nothing I want other than her and my family.

"Don't be sad my dear daughter, we'll pray we will find Lisa okay?" My Eomma looked so sad looking at me lifeless and I cannot do anything right now. I need Lisa, her touch because I already miss her like hell.

"I don't what is going to happen to me Eomma. I never love someone like I love Lisa. I cannot live without her Eomma... I will make sure to always find her.." My Eomma nods while patting my head and she gets my bed ready. She even sprayed Lisa's mist to make sure I can get some sleep.

Eomma knows I need to breathe Lisa while I sleep and make sure I was sound asleep before she went out. I am not sure when I fell asleep but I sleep at last due to fatigue hoping they will find Lisa by tomorrow at least.


I am not sure where I am and all I know yesterday I did not take my mobile phone because I want to buy the Ice Tea from the vending machine. That is the last thing I remember and suddenly I am in this old house's basement?

"Oh well, someone already woke up? Welcome to the basement girlfriend stealer!" I never heard his voice before and it is dark. The guy is wearing a black hoodie. He went nearer and there's light showing his face.

"Kai? Are you Kai?" I am not so sure because Jennie only showed once the face of her ex-boyfriend but he resembles a lot of him.

"Oh, you know me? Jen must have told a lot of good stories of how good I am in bed with her... And you dare to steal her from me? Jen never liked women and she is playing with you!" Kai was laughing out loud and I did not trust him at all. Jen once said how manipulative Kai can be and be aware of him. I am unlucky to be kidnapped by him and not sure what he is going to do with me.

"What are you going to do with me?" I asked shivering scared of what comes next.

"Me? Not me, I just helped to play my parts here. After this, I'm going to pursue Jennie and you will be left alone here with your favorite person!" Kai laughs again.

"Hi my favorite niece, remember me?" My face went white seeing the man in front of me. Eric Manoban! The most ruthless man in the entire universe.

"You will not be seeing the girl of your dreams again. I don't teach you to be a lesbian you know! Did she know I got to taste you first before her? Hahahaha... I will keep you here forever with me in this bloody basement and no one is going to know where we are. Since you hide all the money, I'm going to torture you until I'm satisfied to throw away your body somewhere." Eric was laughing but I did not cry. I must stand strong for Jennie because I promised her that. Luckily my bracelet that Jennie gave is really small so both of them just ignore it and tie my legs on a chain.

I kept quiet hoping I will one day escape him but right now, I know I'm going to miss half of life and I can feel she is worried for me.

"I will stand strong Nini, even if I die, I will not give up on us and will keep holding on knowing one day I will meet you again.." I talked by myself letting Kai and Eric laugh and leave me alone in the dark....

I Felt the needs to let my loyal readers know what happened..


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