Chapter 13 :

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Finn's POV -

I woke up on the couch, stretched my arms and let out a yawn.

Emma was no where to be seen but the aroma of fresh pancakes filled the air.

I walked over to the kitchen; Emma was standing in front of the stove flipping some pancakes, I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"Good morning beautiful." I said in my raspy morning voice.

"Good morning." She laughed.

She flipped the last pancake and put it on a plate. We waddled over to the kitchen island and took a seat on the bar stools.

"I have to go home, my aunt might be wondering where I am." She said.

"Alright, I'll walk you home."

After breakfast, we went to freshen up and left the house. I walked Emma home and kissed her goodbye. I walked back home, the harsh wind brushing against my cheeks.

I unlocked the front door and threw my coat onto the couch. I ran upstairs and saw Jack in his room.

"Hey, where have you been?"

"I stayed at Sam's for the night." Jack said, "What have you been up to?"

"Nothing really."

"Oh! Anne says there's a fashion show meeting on Monday." Jack said, "Can't believe she's making us do it."

"C'mon it'll be fun. Maybe you can even make a vlog or something?"

"ughhhhh. I guess." He sighed.


Anne's POV -

It was a rainy afternoon; there was a dress rehearsal for the fashion show afterschool.

I arrived at the gym and saw that the gang was already there. Finn was playing with Emma's hair and Sophie was on her phone. Of course Jack and Will aren't here ... They better come because they promised!

"Hey guys!" I said, "Where's Jack and Will?"

"I texted them, they said they're on their way." Finn said.

Just then Jack and Will walked through the gym door.

"Finally decided to show up?" I smirked

"Yeah yeah whatever." Will said

I walked up the stage stairs onto the built in runway and stood in the middle.

"Alright, let's practice our walking."

Three of us stood on the left side of the stage and the other three stood on the right side.

I walked down first, to show a demonstration to the others. Will went next, mocking the way I walked. Jack went after him, showing an appropriate walking pace. The others followed, doing the 'walk' correctly.

"Okay, well I guess it's time to pack up. Thanks for joining guys, I really appreciate it."

"Aw, anytime Anne." Sophie said, giving me a side hug.


Will's POV -

Tonight's the fashion show. Ugh I can't believe Anne actually got me to do this. I can't believe I agreed to it. Well I have to admit, the rehearsals were great and I got to spend extra time with my friends. And let's be honest, the outfits looked pretty nice too.

It was 5:30pm, the show starts at 7pm and I made my way to school with music blasting through my earphones. I walked to the classroom where all of the outfits were held at, saw the gang lounging on the tables and chairs.

"Okay, I need all the girls to start getting their hair and make up done!" Anne yelled over the crowd of people.

All of the girls got up and got a partner to help them get ready. After about an hour, Sophie and Emma were done getting ready; the boys and I were fixing our outfits.

"Alright everybody, the show is starting soon. Is everyone ready?" Ms. Smith asked.

Everyone nodded for her to continue.

"Okay, then let the show begin!" She yelled excitedly


After changing in and out of several outfits, it finally came to the last set; the theme was 'Homecoming'.

The models were me, Jack, Finn, Sophie, Emma, Anne and a couple of students from our year.

I was done buttoning my cuffs and was having trouble fixing my tie, Anne noticed I was getting frustrated and helped me. Her eyebrows knitted together, completely focusing on the tie.

I could help but notice how soft her hair looked and how sweet her perfume smelled.

"There you go!" she said, giving me a sweet smile.

"Thanks." I said, biting my lower lip.

"ALRIGHT, LAST SET. LET'S GO!" Ms.Smith yelled

The group of us made our way to the stage. We each had a partner, Finn and Emma, Jack and Sophie, me and Anne, Nick and Laura, and Adam and Chloe.

Anne and I walked down the runway first leading everybody else; she was wearing a strapless royal blue dress and black heels.

Finn and Emma went next, making their way to the end of the stage, Finn striking a pose and Emma simply twirling in her dress. Emma playfully tugged on Finn's tie, dragging him back up the runway.

The set carried on and the show finally ended. There was a standing ovation and all the models and crew members ran on stage. Individually thanking each of the staff that helped out, Anne and some other students who helped organized this event.

We all changed out of our clothes and made our way to Nando's to grab some food. I'm starving; I could really use a chicken wrap right now.

After our feast at Nando's, it was now really late. The others left and since Anne and I lived near each other, I walked her home.

Little flurries when dancing around us, little pieces of snow stuck in her long brown hair, her rosy cheeks complimented her red lipstick.

"Hey, thanks for coming tonight. I know you didn't want to do to show but... thanks." she grinned

"Nah, no worries. It was actually really fun."

We arrived to the front steps of her house.

"Thanks for walking me home." she said, giving me a hug.

"You're welcome. I'm not going to let a pretty girl like you walk home by her self at 2 in the morning!"

"Good night Will." she laughed, leaning in and kissed my cheek.


[A/N]: hmm so Will and Anne ;) do you think they should have a thing or no ?

I tried to have Anne and Will's POV for this chapter because they aren't really talked about in the story.

The next chapter is going to have someone from the first two chapters back , hint hint ;)

thanks for reading ! :D <3

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