Chapter 1 :

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Shit I’m going to be late. I thought to myself as I was running into my school. Damn you TTC for having a 10 minute delay. I ran into my biology class with only a minute to spare. Slamming my textbook onto my desk, I sat behind my best friend.

“Emma” she smiled, embracing me into a hug

“Hey Payson,” I said, hugging her back, “Guess what? I got a letter about the Rhodes Scholarship!”

The Rhodes scholarship is an international award for students with excellent grades to study at the University of Oxford. Luckily Canada was one of the few selected countries involved in this scholarship. Man, for 2 and half years I’ve studied my butt off and I really hope I can receive this scholarship to England.

“Are you serious?! Oh my god, I’m so happy for you!” she grinned, “What did it say?”
“Well, I think I’ll have to talk to Ms. Brady about it, but it says they want me to spend my senior year in London.” I said

“You’re kidding me. Have you talked to your parents about this yet?” she asked
“Yeah, I have. They fully support me and they said I can live with my Aunt Gabby and Uncle John.” I said

“When are you leaving ..?” she hesitated

“In about 2 weeks …” I frowned

“Please take your seats. Class has started.” Mr. Yates said

After learning about plant cells, we worked on homework questions for the rest of the period.

Time has flown by and it was now lunch.

As I was walking to my locker, I felt someone jump on my back. I screamed not realizing that there were people around me.

“Sup hoe.” Tyler said

“Hey bitch.” I replied, embracing him into a hug.

Tyler and I have known each other since the 10th grade and he is honestly like a brother to me.

“Ready for lunch?” he asked

“Yup!” I said, popping the ‘p’

As we walked to our usual spot we heard faint yelling in the background. Payson was running after us, and looking extremely stupid with her backpack bouncing off her back.

“Wow. Thanks for waiting guys.” she said sarcastically as she approached us.

Oh how I love Payson.

We sat against the tree and had the usual jam session until the end of lunch.

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