Chapter 2 :

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Emma’s POV-

“Ugh! I don’t want to go to math. That class is so boring!” Tyler whined, as the bell for fifth period rang. Luckily my two best friends were in the same class as me or else I’ll probably die in Mr. Leonard’s class.

We entered a full classroom and all was left was scattered seats.

“Class, I’ve arranged a seating plan. Please stand once I’ve called your name.” said Mr. Leonard

“Tyler Williams! Next to Laura please.”

Oh god, poor Tyler. Having to sit next to one of the school’s bitches is going to be hell for him. I chuckled as I remember him bitching about her one time and referring to Mean Girls.

“Payson O’Brien! Next to Leah.”

“Emma Brooks! Next to Sean.”

Oh joy. I’m sitting next to the most popular boy in school. Honestly I think the only reason girls are all over him is because he has abs and is fit. I mean I have to admit he is quite attractive but seriously sometimes he’s as dumb as a bag of hammers.

Mr. Leonard finished seating people and began reviewing units that we’ve learned last year.

The lesson dragged on and I’ve spotted Tyler napping on his desk.

Class finally ended and luckily I have a spare.


Finally I’ve gotten home and as I walked in the smell of cupcakes filled the air.

Yes! I love it when mum bakes, I swear one of these days I’m going to become obese.

I ran up to my room and jump into bed and under my covers. I stared at my wall, completely zoned out, not even realizing that my dog Marley was right next to me.

I hopped off my bed and logged in on twitter and tumblr. Did I mention I was addicted to those sites? No? I can literally spend hours on those sites. Scrolling down my timeline, I saw a lot of comments about One Direction’s new video ‘Live While We’re Young’, decided to retweet a few and checked my mentions. Same old same old. You know running a 1D fan account is not easy.

”Sweetie!” I heard my mum yell, “Someone from the Rhodes scholarship called, they said we have to go fill out some forms for you transferring to the school in London.”

“I thought we were doing that next week ...” I said

“Well, they called today when you were at school … They changed your flight to next week” she said, “You should start packing.”

I stood there shocked. No. I only had one week to spend with my best friends and I’ll be off the London for god knows how long.

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