Chapter 17 :

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Emma’s POV -

Well, it was officially June.

My time was up.

It was time to return back to Canada.

wHHYYYYYY ?! saifoangoiasgmasgie

The past 10 months here in London have been absolutely amazing, words can’t even describe. I’ve meet so many great people and had many, many amazing memories.

I was in my room, packing up some of my suit cases. The gang and I are going out for dinner tonight as a farewell dinner, and then everyone is escorting me to the airport tomorrow.

I hate packing. I always leave it last minute and now I probably have to spend hours doing this. –sigh-

I turned up the music playing from my laptop and started stuffing some clothes into my luggage, except leaving out tonight and tomorrow’s outfit.

As usual we were going to Nando’s, we’re meeting up at the Twin’s house. It was now getting late and I decided to get ready and head over.

After getting ready, I made my way downstairs and shoved on my Vans.

“Bye Aunt Gabby, Uncle John!”

“Bye sweetie!” they both yelled from the kitchen.

I arrived to the Harries house, everyone was already there. We went to Nando’s and got our usual meals and pretty much stuffed our faces.

The night dragged on and it was so much fun!

“Emma, I can’t believe you’re leaving tomorrow!” Sophie cried.

“Aww babe. I’ll make sure to come back to visit!”

“You better!” Will said.

“Yeah, or else who’s going to get Subway with me at 2 in the morning!” Anne exclaimed.

“And who’s going to be in my videos?” Jack grinned.

Finn didn’t say a word, pretty much stood silent the whole time. I could tell he was upset and it hurt to see him like that.


Well, today was the day. That I’m leaving London.

I’m so sad! Ugh why does it have to be this way? Why can’t I just stay here?! Oh yeah, I remember, because I have school. Bleh.

It was 11 AM when we arrived to the airport. I checked in, got my passport ready in hand. My flight leaves in 3 hours. I said goodbye to everyone and gave them each a kiss on the check.

I pulled Finn aside to give ourselves some privacy. I bit my lower lip and we stared at each other for a while, with no facial expressions at all.

“I can’t believe you’re leaving …” Finn managed to croak out.

“I’ll be back. And in the meantime we could always skype.”

“It won’t be the same …” He frowned, “But I’m willing to try.”

I walked into his arms, he held me tight. I felt his chest moving up and down, the sound of his breathing against my ear. His hug was warm and made me want to stay in them forever, not wanting him to let go.

I looked up, his eyes began to water. I gave him a long, passionate kiss; it was sweet, his tongue brushed along my lower lip.

He hugged me once again, for what felt like forever.

“I have to go.” I frowned.

“Mhhmm.” I heard him mumble.

I grabbed the side of his face, smashed my lips against his, giving him another sweet yet passionate kiss. He lifted me up a bit, his arm around my waist and upper back. We finally pulled away and walked back towards everyone.

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