The Black Market 6

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"Don't worry princess! I'll get you! Wooo!" Peter waved his sword around as he knocked down the piles of hay in his way. He jumped over a sticks that Rue had layed to be the 'evil serpents'.

"Come oh daring knight" Rue said as she sat on Peter's bed, waving around a handkerchief. This was Peter favourite story to play with her, where he saves her from evil monsters.

Peter climbed up his bed and he and Rue hugged each other.

"I am here to save you princess" Peter joyfully said.

"Thank you for saving me great prince" she said and brushed off a fake tear.

"Now, my dear princess, we shall share a true loves first kiss. Haha just kidding, who would wanna kiss someone like you?" Peter joked.

Rue gasped, "Peter!" She said and got out of his bed with her hands on his hips.

Peter gave a cheeky giggle and jumped off his bed, "come, let's go down and talk to the knights. I wanna here all about the ball, Rue. Don't you?" Peter jumped off his bed and ran out of his room.

Rue jogged behind with a groan. She didn't get why she had to come with Peter, but she was basically his slave, or else her and her aunt will be taken out of the land. Peter playfully hit a knight with his sword when he reached them outside, guarding the gates of their house. Rue reached as well and leaned on the metal gates with her arms crossed. She was well away from the knights, but close to watch Peter. Even though that could be the job of the knights. She came a little closer this time to overhear their conversation. Usually, she didn't care, but this time they were talking about the ball. Their might be something for her to know.

"Hey there Peter" Theodore, the guard on the left side of the gate, happily said as he gave a soft nudge on Peter's shoulder's, "how's school" he asked.

"No. You tell me how the ball went" Peter asked jumping up and down, "did you catch the thieves?"

"Of course we did" Theodore said and gave a quick glare at Hugo guarding on the other side, "we're not stupid enough to be fooled by some low life thieves. Most of us aren't." He said, alluding to Hugo. He along with many blamed Hugo for what happened.

Hugo sighed and looked away from the two and caught sight of a person from the corner of his eyes. It was Rue. She was keenly looking at both Theodore and Peter without blinking a bit. She looked like she was in deep thought as she looked into the grass trying to figure out something. He noticed she looked different. She looked more tired. Unlike her usual high chinned posture, she stood hunched as she leaned on the gate for support.

Trying to control the wave of anger that flashed within him, Hugo clenched his fists. She stole from the Queen and he knew it. But he needed to control his urge to confront her as much as he could. It was the smarter thing to do.

He cleared his throat, "Rue" he said.

Rue scowled at him in disgust, "what" she said, displeased.

"I'm just saying, if you're looking to get a clear to get out of here, stop. Today, I'm guarding and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you don't escape" Hugo threatened.

Rue scoffed, "I've been managing to escape for a year now. What makes this time it's any different?" She asked.

"I have a reason to make sure you don't leave this time"

Rue doubtfully looked at him, "really? Well then I've gotta really step up my game. You did an amazing job not letting those two thief's get away from the ball" she tilted her head, "I'm truly terrified" she sarcastically said.

Hugo narrowed his eyes, "how'd you know what happened in the ball?" he asked, "In front of that, how'd you know I was the one who let the thief get away?" He said coming three steps closer to Rue.

"Uh...friend" Rue lied, "I heard it from a friend" she said.

"Surprised you have a friend" Hugo retorted, going back to his original position, "oh wait...was it your friend from yesterday? Where is she now by the way?" Hugo asked.

"" Rue didn't know what to say, "I don't have to answer you. Peter, let's go" Rue held her hand out so Peter can hold it.

"No Peter, stay" Theodore said and then looked to Rue, "What friend are we talking about here?" He asked, growing suspicious. No outsider is supposed to come in unless granted permission by the owners, and Roger Bennet never granted permission. Furthermore, if it was someone from this household, it meant they had escaped.

"There was a strange short haired girl with Rue yesterday. She poured some stinging liquid into Tim and River's eyes" Hugo answered, "That's why they were late. And that's why thief's were able to take River's position. Lucky them" Hugo added.

"Wait, then" Theodore said in thought. He itched the back of his head, "How come Tim came late? wasn't he with Stuart guarding the outside?" He asked.

"That was the second thief" Hugo answered.

Rue slowly began backing away. She realized that they will find out that it was her who was the second thief. Violet was safe, but there was no way she could get out of this. She needed to leave before they found out.

"Then, if the thief's had Tim and River's uniform. It means they got into the slaves cabin. Which means, we can find who the thieves are if we ask the sla-"

"Okay Theodore" Hugo interrupted, "I already did that. And they said they were all asleep after Rue and the other person left. Both Rue and her friends left without the uniforms, so it can't possibly be them" he shrugged.

"Oh...really? Well, guess I got excited for nothing...hey, where's Rue?" Theodore asked.

Hugo instantly turned around, "oh no" he said, "that !@%$#"

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