4: The Birthday Ball

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(S/S)=sleeves style, it could be the way it is, sleeves to the elbows, or even off the shoulders. Featuring the song Open Arms by Journey, just listen to the instrumental. And you can write down whatever age you want to be, rememberer you're a Grim Reaper. F/F=favorite foods, ya there's a buffet, and F/C=favorite color. And finally when it's the birthday ball scene, Ciel will be wearing the dress you sew him in the picture.

(Y/N)s POV:

I've been walking around my room for a while when I should be sleeping. My girls aren't the only ones who have a curfew, it's lights out for me at ten, but after what he said yesterday at tea, "I've actually been thinking about you for a while, and . . . I want to say I'm sorry for what I did all those years ago." Should I forgive him? Do I want to? . . . no . . . What I should do is sleep, it's my birthday tomorrow, I'll be (___) years old. My real age. Everyone here thinks I'm turning 35. I turned off the lights and got into bed.

Undertakers POV:

She wouldn't leave my mad mind, I had to tell someone about her, and the closest non-human was a Demon. I was waiting for that butler on the roof of my school, you'd think if he was one hell of a butler he wouldn't be late. "Sorry I'm late, my young Lord, or should I say lady, has trouble taking off her corset and hiding . . . Well, the other thing, and she's been grouchy ever since she set foot on campus." "Hihihi, sounds like it's his time of the month." "Basically yes. So why did you call me and tell me to meet you up here?" I still had the locket I gave her in my pocket. (Haha that rhymed, ok back to the story.)
"I do know the Headmistress of that school over there, I've known her for a long time." "So she is a Reaper, but unlike you she isn't hiding her eyes." She isn't wearing glasses either. Tell the Demon more, or don't tell the Demon more . . .
"I'll tell you and the young Lord more tomorrow, my office doors will be unlocked at eleven." "Alright, but you might have to tell the young master the whole story, I'm sure I can solve it before midnight . . . Oh, and her dress color for tomorrow is forest green."

🎂time skip🎂

(Y/N)s POV:

"Good morning Headmistress, the kitchen staff have made your favorite breakfast for you today, (___)." "Thank you, Grace, just put it on the table." "Good gracious look at all this paperwork, and on your birthday." Grace does this every birthday, takes half of my paperwork pile and does it for me so I can relax most of the day. "No no no this simply will not do. Let me handle some of this." There's no stopping her once she's made her decision. "Oh, and my birthday present for you is in the fashion room."

🎂time skip🎂

"Happy Birthday!" All the girls from my fashion class were on the catwalk, even the late new girl, Cecilia. "This is for you, Headmistress." "Thank you." A letter from Grace.
This was the girls idea, but I designed it. I hope the headmaster likes you in it. ;D
Oh Grace, "Alright ladies, open the curtains, and show me what you did." There was a lovely satin forest green, with black lace, and (S/S) ball gown behind the curtains. "Ladies . . . You're grade points just went up by 10." They were all squealing and jumping like the ladies they are, except for Cecilia. "Hmmm, and why aren't you jumping young lady?" "Oh uh, well . . . wait here." She ran to her desk and brought back a box. "Me a-and the new mistress made this for you as a birthday and thank you present for accepting us into the school." It was a black rose hair comb. "I-I also thought it would go good with the dress." "Well thank you to both you and mistress Michaelis, Cecilia. I'll be sure to wear it tonight."

🎂11:00 in the headmasters office🎂

3rd person POV:

Now that both heads of the schools know who each other is, the thought about them wouldn't leave their minds. Now that it's been two days, the young Lord wants answers. "Just like I asked you two days ago, what are you doing here?" He rubbed his temples.
"Very well, I'll tell you both, even though you're too young to understand, and this is something you Demons can't feel." The Undertaker went to the window, hands behind his back, and looked out. "I do know the Headmistress of that school over there, I've known her for a long time. The first time we met was in the Grim Reaper library, for a while we talked, then talking turned into friendship, then friendship turned into—"
"Love," they both said, shocking themselves and the Undertaker in the process.
"Well well, it seams you do understand young Earl, and you did solve it." "Sebastian what did he mean by solve—"
"So what happened after love?" The butler would pay for cutting his master. "Everything was perfect, until the Thorns of Death came, so I spent my last night with her, and then I left." It was silent for a while. "So you're trying to win her back," Sebastian said. "Yes, but I won't leave until she says the words, I love you."

🎂time skip🎂

(Y/N)s POV:

Only on special occasions like my birthday, there's no curfew—because nighttime celebrations end at ten. There were tables on both floors with (F/C) mantels on them, the balloons were also (F/C), and there was a buffet of (F/F). Grace even told me Bassy offered to help out a bit, she's strange that new mistress. In the end the most important thing is there are students from neighboring colleges chatting, eating, but not dancing. "Uh, Headmistress, why isn't anyone dancing?" Cecilia asked. "Oh that's because I made it a tradition here that on my birthday, the first dance of the night . . . will be . . . With the Headmaster." And here he comes, god why did I make that a tradition. Adrian Crevan, in a black and white suit, with a forest green tie. "Well I'll leave you two alone then." I was left on the dance floor with the Reaper who would make even crying children give up their lives. "It seems we're the ones who must start the night off, Headmistress." "Yes well, the ball part of this night." I took his hand, my other went on his shoulder, and his went on my waist.

Lying beside you, here in the dark
Feeling your heartbeat with mine
"You look beautiful tonight." "Thank you, and you and your boys look handsome." And after the introduction, we whispered while we danced.
Softly you whisper, you're so sincere
How could our love be so blind?

"Remember when you wanted to learn how to waltz," I said. "I remember you stepping on my feet most of the time." "That's because you did the wrong moves."

We sailed on together
We drifted apart
And here you are, by my side

So now I come to you with open arms
Nothing to hide, believe what I say
So here I am, with open arms
Hoping you'll see what your love means to me
Open arms

Normally some of the boys would of taken my girls onto the dance floor, but no ones moved an inch.

Living without you, living alone
This empty house seems so cold
I noticed what looks like a scar on the right side of his face.
Wanting to hold you
Wanting you near
How much I wanted you home

I heard the sound of the violin—and what a lovely sound it was—I looked to the orchestra, and noticed it was Bassy. "That new housemistress of mine is a mystery." "Keep a close eye on her and that new girl, some people aren't always what they seem."

But now that you've come back
Turned night into day
I need you to stay

I didn't want this waltz to end.

So now I come to you with open arms
Nothing to hide, believe what I say
So here I am, with open arms
Hoping you'll see what your love means to me
Open arms

But sadly all things must come to an end.

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