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"Do you want me to show you how to have fun?" Maya questioned, raising her eyebrows at Riley. 

"Behaving is fun." Riley answered.

"Come here." Maya demanded, gesturing Riley to stand by her up front. 

Riley shakes her head, looking nervous. "I really don't want to." She mumbled. 

"You, come here right now. Ring power!" Maya raised her hand that had a ring on it which matched the ring Riley wore. 

Riley gets up reluctantly, going to stand next to her. She faces the class with a sheepish expression. "When you say, ring power, you have to, it's a rule." 

"Tell me this isn't fun." Maya got a plastic gun out from the drawer and started shooting the plastic balls at their classmates, immediately regretting it when their teacher walked into the classroom. The room grew quiet and calmed down once he stepped into the room. 

"When did you guys decide there are no rules in here?" Cory asks in disbelief while Maya and Riley quickly sit down. "When did my generosity in allowing you to express yourselves, make you think you can turn my class into a zoo?"  Riley and Maya were the first to apologize with the rest of the class following after them, even Farkle, who just let out a pain grunt of an apology. 

"Lucas, Primrose, why didn't you two apologize?" Cory questioned, noticing they were the only ones that didn't say anything.

"Because I never do anything." Lucas answered.

"And I know that only bad things will result if you disrespect a teacher." Primrose responded. 

Cory smiles at her response. "Yes, that's true." He turns to Lucas. "And you didn't apologize because you respect the rules." He looks at the two of them. "Both of you do. Because you know without them, civilization becomes chaos. The rest of you are going to spend the afternoon thinking about that, with the exception of Lucas the Good and, of course, Primrose the Respectful." 

Primrose groans at the nickname he given her, slouching back in her seat while Lucas also groans. "Oh boy, is that gonna stick?" Lucas asked.

"I'm already making t-shirts." Maya smirked.

Primrose crosses her arms and mumbles, "Of course you are." She honestly didn't care as much about her new title as Lucas cared about his, but she couldn't deny that it was embarrassing to have their teacher give them nicknames based on their behavior in class.

"You put me in a real bad position, sir. I gotta do something." Lucas confronted Cory, now standing in front of him as he looked worried. 

"You can fight this, Lucas." Cory assured him. 

Lucas immediately shakes his head after taking a glance at the class. "No, I can't, sir. Everyone's looking."

"Okay. Do what you gotta do." Cory shrugged his shoulders. Lucas then got his phone out of his pocket, sending a text to someone, and that someone ends up being Cory.

Cory gets his phone out after getting the text and then looks at Lucas when he was done reading it. "Detention."

Lucas let out a breath of relief. "Thank you, sir." He said and then put his phone away as he went to sit back down.

"Wait," Primrose speaks up, her lips forming to a pout. "I don't wanna be left out."

Cory chuckles lightly. "What are you gonna do about it?"

Primrose stands up, not really knowing what to do so she yelled as she flipped over her desk which accidentally bumps into Farkle when it falls to the floor. Primrose winces as he groans. "Sorry, Farkle." 

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