"For God's sake," he said, hearing her, but not turning around. "Don't make supper for me. I'm going out." The next thing she said almost made me dart out of my seat, but it was sink or swim time. "At that point, Mary Maloney simply walked up behind him and without any pause she swung the frozen leg of lamb high in the air and brought it down as hard as she could on the back of his head, she might as well have hit him with a steel club." Suddenly my mother had a large smile plastered on her face and jumped out of her seat leaving me laying on the couch, "oh! Goodness, cookies are ready! I almost let them burn," I sat up straightening myself out, I looked at the window giving my father a small smile, "so, I guess I'm here for the long haul, maybe you could give me more violin lessons," I suggested walking up to him, he stood deathly still, I pressed my hand against his shoulder shaking him a bit, it was as if he came to and turned looking at me, "what did you say?" He asked. "I said you perhaps could teach me more violin," I repeated. "Are you alright?" I questioned, "fine, I'm going to go help your mother, you go up to your room and get ready for bed, I'll be up in a few to check on you, say your prayers, and take your medicine," I walked up the wooden staircase to my bedroom, I softly opened the door and looked at the pill bottle next to my bed and thought, "that's not supposed to be here," I tipped the pill bottle into the wastebasket and changed into a matching set of pajamas and pulled my hair up. I bowed my head as I sat in bed, maybe this prayer was one of the only things keeping me alive. "Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray dear Lord my soul to keep.
Please help me be the best I can be.
Please watch over our family. Thanks for all you've given me; Please forgive me for all I've done wrong." I said it as if it were a normal night and I was rattling it off as I always had. "Isn't this a sweet picture?" My mother asked as she walked into my bedroom holding a glass of milk in one hand and the other hand clenched. "Just doing as I'm told," I smiled softly. "Very good, here's some milk and something to help you sleep," I shyly took the milk and the little blue pill and slipped it into my mouth swallowing it. "C-could you sit here with me until I fall asleep?" I asked gulping. I don't know why I said that she wasn't my mother, but she was the closest thing I had.

Aelita Stones Kadic Academy Ninth-grade student

"They're going to notice she's gone," I pointed out, "what do we do?" I asked slumping back on Tovah's bed, "we barely got away with-it last night when Jim came to make sure we were sleeping," I looked up at Jeremy, my heart was broken, and Tovah was gone. We had no clue where she could be, "well, we have to do something." He proposed, "maybe we could say she's sick?" He offered. "That won't work, they'd know she's not in the infirmary," I added. "Maybe..." Jeremy stood up, "I might have an idea." We walked to his room and Jeremy sat in his chair putting on his spare headset, "Hello, this is Mr. Pressman, Tovah's father, she was feeling very sick so we sent her to stay with her aunt," Jeremy looked at me and shrugged as if saying it was the best he could scrape up. He nodded and then nodded again. "Alright, you too," he set the headset down and let out a sigh of relief. "That should buy us some time, as long as they don't go poking around, but let's be honest Tovah's dad won't answer the phone if they call." We walked to the lunchroom where Odd stood up quickly, "anything?" He asked. "No," I shook my head sitting down. "I don't think she's in the digital void," Yumi said abruptly, "I think she's somewhere else," we looked at her with confused expressions, "what do you mean?" Ulrich asked. "That tornado, before it disappeared, we heard someone yell 'help,' and then after that, nothing," she shook her head, "I mean it's a start, she could still be on Lyoko right?" Jeremy nodded with enthusiasm, "You're right!" He said a little too loudly. "I mean, yeah, you're right," he nearly tipped his hot chocolate over as he stood up. "Let's go!" We started towards the factory when we saw none other than Tovah coming out of the gate, "what happened?" She asked, Odd pulled her up to him and brushed her off. I felt a weight fall off my shoulders as I looked at her. "It's really you, isn't it?" Yumi smiled putting her hand on her shoulder. "Who else would it be?" She asked. "Can we go eat something?" She laughed softly, "I'm starving." We walked to the cafeteria and Tovah grabbed a tray at random, we sat down and she stirred her spoon through her soup not paying much attention, she scooped it into her mouth swallowing it, "mm," she nodded. Odd turned in his seat looking at the chalkboard of the cafeteria specials and then back at her, "so what happened?" He asked. "Well one minute I was taking a walk and then I was unconscious and then I was in the clutches of that fish thing and boom now I'm back," she shrugged. "I've probably missed some school?" she asked, tearing a piece of bread in half. "I'm going to go change and then take a nap," she picked her tray up and Jeremy followed behind her. "Bye," Yumi and Ulrich got up grabbed their bags, and headed out. "Why do you seem so glum?" I questioned looking at Odd, "the chalkboard says baked potato soup, I had it, you had it and Tovah had it for dinner. Rosa asked me if Tovah was coming to dinner because she had a special bowl of soup waiting for her, instead of asking like she usually does Tovah just grabbed a bowl off the line, and ate it without saying anything. The baked potato soup we had wasn't kosher either," he looked at the door, "that's not our space girl and I'm sure of it," he added. "What if she just went through a big shock and didn't think about what she was doing?" I asked. "Even when she didn't have her memory, she knew what she was doing," he leaned back in his chair, "let's follow her," we walked upstairs to their room where she said she would be, "nothing," Odd resounded. "What now?" I quivered, "maybe she's in the showers?" He replied. "I'll call her," I pulled my phone out and dialed her, no response. "Maybe..."

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